The Middle Years Program

Personal Project Exhibition

People’s Choice Award Winner – Victoria Khatchmanian! 


Friday 9 September was the first-time students from Oakleigh Grammar physically exhibited their personal project products/outcomes in the Conference Centre. To ensure all attendees interacted with the exhibitors a People’s Choice Award was held, in which Victoria won with her stunning evening dress. 


Victoria wrote in her report, “I was nervous when I initially heard about the personal project since I had no idea what to expect. I considered a few of my interests, including painting, cooking, and music, but none of them felt quite right. Then I realised that designing clothes has always been a hobby of mine since I was a kid. I've spent much of my life appreciating and studying the work of my family's designers. I used to spend hours making costumes and clothing for the characters in my paintings, and I grew to love it as I got older. For a long time, I aspired to be a well-known designer, only to realise that designing is more of a hobby and passion for me than a profession.


The personal project is significant to me for various reasons, the most essential of which is that it allows me to express and explain my passion for design. Fashion is important to me because I am the sort of person that communicates their emotions and sentiments through hair, makeup, and, most importantly, clothing. I believe that I wouldn't be me if I couldn't dress as I felt. The personal project allows me to go further into this love and consider my unique style. Whether a person dresses sophisticated, athletic, elegantly, sloppily, or simply casually, their style reveals a lot about who they are. I believe I am capable of dressing in all these ways, but I'd like to discover which I like most and which best expresses my personality and character. A style that reflects my personality as outgoing, confident, shy, and contemplative.” 


Well done to Victoria and all the Year 10 students who completed their reports and exhibited their projects.