Middle School








The second floor of the Secondary building has been quiet during the final week of the term with the absence of Years 8 and 9. Their excitement as they talked about the Year 8 camp and the Year 9 City Experience was infectious.


That left us with a busy and buzzing lower floor. Years 6 and 7 have a wonderful opportunity to work with renowned artist, George Petriou. The results of their labours can be viewed in Term 4.


Year 7 are to be congratulated for their Service as Action projects last week. The return of the lunchtime “market place” received enthusiastic patronage from staff and students on all days. The funds raised will be distributed to each chosen charity shortly.


Last week, we welcomed students starting with Oakleigh Grammar in Year 7 in 2023. Together with our current Year 6 students, they enjoyed a number of activities planned to build relationships in preparation for next year.


I wish all the Middle School a safe and enjoyable term break.


Sharron Frame

Head of Middle and Senior School

Years 8 and 9







With the term coming to an end, our students in Years 8 and 9 will go into their break feeling a great sense of accomplishment. They all have taken part in a range of different experiences, ranging from school-wide projects, wellbeing days and experiential learning opportunities, all of which have provided them with great character development. 


The Year 8s have thoroughly enjoyed their experience on the Snowy River Camp, with many students noting their excitement earlier this week to take part in a range of different activities. From touring the Bucan caves, to rafting, ropes courses and abseiling, these students found the activities were all very enjoyable and well worth the long trip on the bus.


Furthermore, I am very proud of our Year 9 cohort this week at our City Experience. Working well in their groups, many took to the empathy tasks and photo challenges with ease, collaborating well and making the most of the exciting program provided. Below are some thoughts from our wonderful students:


“So far on this experience in the city I have most enjoyed going around to places I wouldn’t have imagined I’d go by myself with my friends at school such as the Queen Victoria Market and to the State Library. I loved how the library was so detailed and how many unique stalls were at the market, and it was so fun to be there with friends.” – Leah Phassouliotis


“I think the city experience has been great, especially as someone who doesn’t go to the city often. I'm so much more confident with navigating around the city and taking public transport, and working with everyone in my group has been really fun. There's so much to do, and I like the sense of independence we get while completing the tasks, even though I know that teachers are somewhere around. Going around has been so fun, and I’m really excited to see what else is to come.”  – Mikayla Haralambakis


It has been wonderful to see the Year 9s grow over the week, developing greater independence and confidence in their ability to navigate the wonderful streets of our great city. This sure has been an exciting term. 

Michael Pegiou

Years 8 & 9 Coordinator

Years 6 and 7







What a term this has been for our Years 6 and 7 students. Each student has proven that they can persevere and persist despite the challenges they were faced with. While the cohort has achieved many successes, including debating, sports and academic achievements, we must praise our students for their continued focus on change in the community and exploring ways to serve others.


Our Year 6 students participated in a Welcome Morning for Oakleigh Grammar’s Year 7 2023 students.  They shared experiences that have, hopefully, begun a bond – rock climbing, dodge ball and drama games.


Our Years 5 and 6 Boys Soccer team became state champions. Congratulations on their amazing achievement!

Our Year 6 students had a visit from a local company named Toolbox, who spoke to them about regulating emotions. It was a wonderful workshop that supports student well-being. 



Our Year 7 Students and their families have worked hard to fundraise as part of Service as Action community projects. Students presented their organisation and creative skills with enthusiasm, detail and passion. Their stalls helped raise awareness and important funds for cancer, mental health and medical research. Continued efforts in advocacy and research are to come. Well done! 


We will present Years 6 and 7 Service as Action work as part of an exhibition in Term 4, Week 2 on 12 October.


Lastly, we had Mr George Petrou come in to share his experiences and wisdom on portraiture art. Thank you Mr Petrou. Students have provided feedback


Henry Spencer wrote:

Dear George, 

Thank you so much for coming to our school; I enjoyed getting to know you. It’s been incredible to learn about you and how you paint. I am honestly fascinated by your work, thank you for everything; it’s been so fun.


Jamie Xypolias wrote:

Dear George Petrou,

Thank you for giving us this opportunity today and the other day because I have now learned how to abstract and I would like to do more of it. I had really fun painting and hope to do it again. - Jamie 

Have a safe and happy mid semester break from our Pastoral team. See you in Term 4!


Inneke Smit

Acting Years 6 and 7 Coordinator