Senior School







As the term ends this week, Year 12 will have completed all their learning and assessment for their VCE studies. From here, time will fly by and, before they know it, Graduation Dinner and the first of their external VCE examinations, English, will be here. It has been a long year and many are feeling the need for a well-earned but structured break to recharge. They are reminded to continue to commit to studying each day to remain focused and on top of the critical preparation and revision.  


The process for 2023 is already well and truly a work in progress. Subjects have been chosen, nominations for student leadership accepted and all-important conversations about Careers are taking place. Years 10 and 11 have a little more time before they transition in November. However, they also need to take time over the term break to rest and recover to prepare for semester examinations next term.


Student leadership is an opportunity for student voice to be heard through a peer-chosen representative. Nominees for the role of School Captain 2023 addressed the Middle and Senior School assembly last week. Each presented a unique and personal perspective on the role. Congratulations on your positive and well-thought presentations:

Duncan Bain, Arthur Demetriou, Elena Georgiades, Chrisoula Horomidis, George Maravelias, Sia McCammon, Georgianna Petridis, Noah Peoples, Tony Pistikakis and Chloe Sheer.


Results will be announced at the Awards Evening in December.


Lastly, I would like to take the opportunity to acknowledge and thank Andrew Phillips, who will leave us at the end of the term for long service leave, before commencing his new role in 2023. It has been an absolute pleasure to work with Andrew over the past ten years. He has been a committed teacher who established strong relationships with students in his care based on honesty, genuine interest and a strong desire to mentor them to achieve the best possible outcome for each. In his role as the Year 12 Coordinator, he has overseen the well-being of all individual Year 12 students. His humour, positive approach and individual care have made experiences like the Year 12 Formal and Camp a joy to be involved in. His cooking skills at camp are legendary and worth the wait, even if the shopping trip with him to Costco was terrifying! We will miss our colleague and friend. I wish Andrew and his family all the best for the future.


Sharron Frame

Head of Middle and Senior School

Year 12







We are now in the home stretch for the Year 12s with the final classes taking place this week, and trial exams beginning in the first week of the holidays. These last few weeks are crucial in terms of preparation for the exams, and they are also important moments for the students as they prepare to say goodbye to friends and teachers, some of who they have known since kindergarten. Some students have now finished all of the requirements of the VCE and will have finished their time here. We look forward to welcoming those students back for the Farewell Assembly and Graduation Dinner in Term 4 so that they can be appropriately celebrated with the rest of their peers. On behalf of the Year 12 Pastoral team, we wish every Year 12 student graduating from Oakleigh Grammar, good luck and best wishes as they move beyond the walls of the School. 


From a personal point of view, this week marks my last ever here at Oakleigh Grammar, as I depart for long service leave after nearly 11 years, and then in 2023, I will be moving schools. I wish to take this opportunity to thank all my past and current students, who have enriched me enormously over the journey. And of course, a big thank you to all the staff from 2012 to today, who have so generously supported me from my first days as a teacher. Oakleigh Grammar has been a huge part of my life, and I will always look back on my experiences here fondly. 


Andrew Phillips

Year 12 Coordinator

Years 10 and 11







It has been a busy end to the term with our Years 10 and 11 students preparing for their final term. 


Year 10:

Year 10 had its inaugural Personal Project exhibition last week. It was a success and provided an opportunity for our students to showcase their passion projects. We had students presenting their hard work, which culminates the past year’s work. Those that followed the advice given to them and completed their work to the set standard, were satisfied with the end product and were able to explain the process well to the visiting staff, students and community.


The final week of Term 3 saw our Year 10s participate in the Conquer Your Career Conference. Students participated in many different workshops including:

  • CV building
  • expectations and norms for interviews
  • VR flight simulations
  • mock interviews
  • excursions to RMIT and Holmesglen.

It was nice to see the buzz around the School with all the different events on.


Year 11:

One of the highlights for our Year 11 cohort this term was the Year 11 Formal. It was a great opportunity for students and staff to let their hair down and celebrate being able to have a gathering of this kind. The last Year 11 Formal was in 2019 and was followed by 2 years of isolation and an inability to host the event due to the global pandemic. It was heart-warming to see the way in which students showed inclusivity as they got all students, and most teachers, off their chairs and onto the dance floor. 


Year 11 students completing Unit 3/4 studies this year are reminded to prepare for their examinations in October, by starting their revision early and chipping away at the required work so they may reach their examination well prepared. 


Manoj Patel

Years 10 & 11 Coordinator