Student Achievements

NEW - Equestrian Australia Interschools Qualifier
On the 3rd and 4th of July, the Elmore EC - Equestrian Australia Interschools Qualifier was held at Elmore Events Centre. Annie and Ivy Aikman, Eliza and Sarah Abrahams and Amelia Petrie represented Sacred Heart.
The weather was not kind to our 5 girls, who competed in fog, rain and freezing temperatures over 2 days. Amazingly, they never gave up and competed in events including Dressage, Jumping, Showing and Handy Mount events.
Some very exciting results were:
Annie Aikman -
Overall Champion Prep - 2 Led Show Hunter Showing section
Overall Reserve Championship Prep - 2 Led Show Hunter Dressage section
Amelia Petrie -
Overall Championship Primary Showing Section
Eliza Abrahams -
2nd Place Primary 60 cm Phase 2 Jumping Class
All the girls put in their very best and were fantastic ambassadors for our school.
Congratulations Annie, Ivy, Eliza, Sarah and Amelia.