Where We Are In Time & Place

YEAR TWO - TERM 2B, 2021

Transdisciplinary Theme - Where We Are In Time & Place


The past influences our present and future​


As an International Baccalaureate world school, authorised to teach the Primary Year’s Programme, we explore six transdisciplinary themes each year. 


Our next unit of inquiry provides students with the opportunity to explore different celebrations and their significance. We are aiming to develop the students’ curiosity about their personal histories and the celebrations that they observe throughout the year.

We will explore a variety of celebrations to broaden the student’s understanding of celebrations both locally and globally. 


We encourage our students to think and extend their knowledge of celebrations at home and around the world.



  • Form 
  • Connection
  • Change

Lines of Inquiry

  • Family histories
  • The reasons people migrate
  • Celebrations around the world
  • Histories of these celebrations
  • The significance of these celebrations today


We continue to encourage our children’s independent action inspired by our Units of Inquiry. It may be independently finding items that help them explore celebrations such as particular books on their book shelf or photos. It also could be in the form of student initiated drawings/posters/research. 


We celebrate our students’ ACTION every day in our classrooms. Please celebrate any action you see occurring in your home.

Approaches to Learning

  • Social skills: Exploring and respecting others celebrations from various cultures.
  • Research skills: Collecting data, inquiring and surveying family members at home for different types of festivals they and extended family celebrate.
  • Knowledgeable: Improved knowledge pf different celebrations around the world.
  • Recording and organising data: Sorting and categorising the different types of celebrations

Learner Profile Attributes

  • Communicator
  • Inquirer 
  • Appreciation

The Year 2 Team

Mr Doug Bray, Mrs Sharon Demetriou, Mrs Tania Purton, Mrs Kristy Smith & Mrs Deb Ball