A message from our Principal

Dear St. Brendan's School Community,
Welcome Back
It was great news that we all could return to school on Monday. Thanks to staff for all their work on Friday to get all the devices and work organised. Many thanks to David Maskell (ICT), Jo Alper and Kim Wong for all their work as well. Thanks for the support of all parents.
School Advisory Council Meeting
The Advisory Council had their meeting remotely on Monday 2nd August. The Advisory Council have created sub committees as follows:
- Parent Engagement
- School Uniform
- Recognition and Excellence
Parent Engagement
Council proposed that to improve parent engagement, teachers could put in the newsletter details of what the children are learning in different curriculum areas, which would enable conversation with their child about their learning.
Also, looking at ways to inform parents and communicate, especially during these challenging times when parents cannot come onsite.
Remote Learning
It was a preference to use Google Classroom rather than hardcopies. During Remote Learning, hardcopies would be supplied to families that didn't have access to the internet.
School Uniform Proposal
A proposal was discussed about adding an option of grey skorts for the girls. The girls could wear the skorts with their green tops or Year 6 tops, green socks and black school shoes. Samples and prices will be looked at. School will provide information and this option will be available for the girls from Term 1, 2022.
Recognition and Excellence
Year 6 Graduation
Ideas if graduation was needed to be done remotely.
Student Award
Recommendation that there be an award for excellence in academic areas, sports etc.
These awards would be given to a child each week with their name and why they received the award. The awards would be displayed in the fortnightly newsletter.
MJR Award
The MJR Award (Welcoming, Encouraging, Saying Sorry and Thanking) will still be presented with their photos in the newsletter.
Parent Teacher Conversations
Due to restrictions, phone calls would be made to parents via online bookings.
I am glad to hear that children can continue with their sport this week. Hopefully Melbourne can ease restrictions soon.
Take care,
Before and After School Care
We are very excited to announce that Little Stars Florina Childcare & Kindergarten, 195 Knight Street Shepparton are offering Before and After school care for our families at St. Brendan’s Primary School.
Please click on the link below to view the Flyer from Little Stars.
For more information please contact Little Stars directly on 0358 217 805 or email shepparton@littlestars.vic.edu.au