Dunlop Reflection

On Friday 14th of September, Dunlop are organising a fundraiser to raise donations for Timor Leste. Students are encouraged to wear a sports jersey from their favourite sporting team on this day. If students are wearing their jersey with their sports uniform, they will still need to wear their spray jacket over top, if their jersey is being worn with their formal uniform, a blazer will need to be worn over top.  A Gold coin donation will be collected during HG for students who have chosen to participate.


Amanda Matas and Jenna Potts

Cluster Coordinators

On Tuesday 7th August, Dunlop Cluster versed Winton Cluster in European Handball as part of the Cluster Sports Tournament. Handball is a team sport in which two teams of seven players each pass a ball using their hands with the aim of throwing it into the goal of the other team, combining the principles of soccer, lacrosse and basketball. We have seen unbelievable spirit from our cluster, with participation being outstanding from both the girls and the boys. Our participants were able to communicate effectively with one another during the game, and provided great plays and sportsmanship! Even when the opposition was tough, both the boys and girls showed resilience and support to one another on and off the field, ultimately resulting in a 0-0 draw for both games played. Thank you to everyone who participated on Tuesday, both games were played great. For those who weren’t on the field, thank you for the great spirit that was demonstrated on the sideline. There will be more opportunities for everyone to get involved in cluster sports activities. Upcoming fixtures are placed in every homeroom.

Currently, our Year 11 students are choosing their Year 12 subjects. Just a reminder to all students that all forms are due back to your homeroom teacher by Friday the 17th August.


Dunlop is also busy at the moment planning for our fundraising initiatives as part of the social justice term and our ongoing efforts to raise funds for Timor Leste. All clusters are busily preparing for Dunlop’s market stall day which will take place on the 14th September, alongside our ‘wear your team’s jersey’ to school day.

A busy and productive time for Dunlop!


Lachlan Borg

Dunlop 7