Careers Expo and Twilight Evening

What an amazing day and night! This significant event gets bigger each year and the 2018 Careers Expo and Twilight Evening included more external providers than ever before. The day started out with current Year 11 and 12 students visiting the Careers Expo and meeting representatives from Universities, TAFEs, Colleges, the Australian Defence Force and a large number of other Pathway providers. This gave students an opportunity to ask questions, compare courses and discover new possibilities for their career pathways. The Year 10 Federation students also visited the Expo and had engaging presentations from each Learning Area Captain to help them understand their options for 2019 and beyond. And of course, the day concluded with Twilight Evening – an amazing event that allowed families to ask questions, get advice and see what each possible subject and career pathway looks like in action.

It was great to see so many students and families engaged in their Pathways. A huge thank you to everyone involved, especially the students that gave of their own time to make this such a successful event. There is nothing more powerful than to hear and see students promoting their own learning so that other students can be inspired.


My reflection on the day can best be summed up by the following…


T   Training: The strength of CRC Sydenham’s Vocational Pathways Training program.

W  Workplace: The importance of authentic workplace opportunities and experience.

 I    Industry: The value of connection with industry and business.

 L   Life: The impact that planning and preparation for successful pathways has on a person’s Life Journey.

 I    Innovation: The cutting-edge opportunities available to CRC Sydenham students and the bright future this provides.

G   Gifts: The manifestation of the God Given talents that helps a young person see their strengths and ultimately their future.

H   Hope: The hopes and dreams that play large on an evening where every future is possible.

T    Trust: The trust and faith that families show to the College as we help guide the pathways of their children.


Michael Flaherty

Deputy Principal