Student of the Month

Luke Hrbolic (T2) - Truganini

The Truganini cluster would like to recognise Luke Hrbolic for his contributions to the cluster in 2018. Luke has worked very hard this year preparing for various cluster activities such as fundraisers, information evenings, cluster assemblies, as well as reading at college masses. Luke has continually exhibited strong leadership qualities and is a role model for all his peers. Keep up the great work Luke!

Laura Pruscino (W7) - Winton

This month, the Winton cluster recognise Laura Pruscino as student of the month. Laura is a hard-working and diligent student who applies herself consistently across all of her subject areas and completes all work to an exceptionally high standard. Laura is always respectful to both staff and students and her positive nature alongside her organised and mature approach to her schooling make Laura a fantastic role model to other students. Congratulations Laura on a successful Semester 1 at CRC Sydenham.

Luke Duzel (D7) - Dunlop

This month Dunlop 7 would like to congratulate Luke Duzel on being the student of the month for the Dunlop cluster. He has dedicated himself to sporting events at the College since he commenced Year 11 this year and continuously demonstrates a strong passion for sport. Luke has been selected to be part of the College soccer team and recently participated in the SACCSS soccer competition. We would like to commend Luke for his efforts this semester and encourage him to continue to dedicate himself to sport.

Joel Madigan (M7) - MacKillop

Joel has participated in fundraising activities for Timor Leste, this month and has contributed to all team activities. He is a conscientious student who has displayed the Mackillop cluster values in all tasks.