Parent Information

Important Dates


4 Athletics Div 1

6 PST Interviews - Interim Reports

14 Queen Scout Awards

21 Term 3 Ends

24-28 Holiday Revision Classes



1-5 Year 12 Trial Exams

8 Term 4 Commences

18 Cluster Feast Day

      Year 12 Final Assembly

19 Year 11 Study Day

      Year 12 Breakfast

      Graduation Mass

24 Sydfest

Students with Disabilities

Please see attached changes to students with a disability funding.

Financial Assistance for Parents

Please see attached information for parents about financial assistance and an application form.

Yr 12 Course Selection 2018 - Wednesday August 29

Over the next few weeks current Year 11 students will be considering their course selection for Year 12, 2019. This involves investigating how current study plans connect to a student’s future pathway. The selection of Year 12 subjects is an important decision and requires an understanding of the pathways available. Students need to be clear about their future pathways and current level of achievement and select subjects accordingly. It is also important to note that student achievement in Year 11 will be taken into consideration during the course selection process.

There are a number of students who have received two or more N results in semester 1. The school’s promotion policy states that students must achieve a Satisfactory result in at least 75% of the units undertaken in a calendar year. For a Year 11 VCE student this typically means that no more than three N’s can be awarded before promotion to Year 12 is placed in jeopardy.

Students will be considering their subject choices between Friday August 10 and Friday August 17. Students will then be required to submit their subject selection forms to the front office no later than Friday August 17 together with any subject levies. Students that have not paid learning and subject levies by Friday 17 August will not have their subject choices confirmed.

Students will then be required to attend a course selection interview on Wednesday August 29 with senior staff member at the College.

We encourage you to attend this course selection day with your son/daughter in order to be part of the decision-making process for their 2019 course selection.

Parents and students will be allocated a time to attend a subject confirmation session between 8:30am-10:00am and 4:00pm-7:00pm on this day.

Information regarding this day will be sent out early August.

The College looks forward to meeting with you and your son/daughter to finalise enrolment for 2019.


Applying for a Tax File Number

ACU Year 12 Revision Workshop

2018 Year 12 Formal

New York Study Tour - Expressions of interest - Places still available

Year 12 Textbook Return

Year 12 students were provided with novels and textbooks on loan from the Learning Common (Library) during the Transition Program last year and during classes at the start of 2018.   Students are permitted to keep their books until the day of their final exam.  We request that English novels are returned on the day of the English exam and that all other texts are returned when students have completed exams in each subject.


We ask for the assistance of parents/guardians in reminding your son or daughter to return their textbooks and novels so that we can, in turn, loan them to the upcoming Year 12’s later in the year.


Loan notices will be distributed to Year 12 students soon.  At the conclusion of the Year 12 exam period, families will be posted an invoice if there are any College resources that have been provided on loan but not returned.  Book Loans may be deducted for the amount owing.


If you have any queries about this issue, please do not hesitate to contact Rita in the Learning Common.


Thanking you in anticipation.