We have been hit very hard in the last couple of weeks with the flu.

It has impacted all year groups, both day and boarding students, as well as staff.

I would really like to ask everyone to continue to follow good hygiene practices of covering coughs and sneezes and washing hands well regularly. I know this is not confined to our College. It is across the general population, but with so many of us living in close confines, it becomes even more important.

I would really like to thank both our kitchen and cleaning staff who have done an amazing job. The kitchen has communicated with the front office for updated numbers almost hourly. Cleaning staff have been disinfecting the sick bay and students’ rooms upon their departure. Thanks again for your wonderful efforts.

Residential staff have also been hit with illness and I would like to thank those staff who have filled in at short notice and covered extra shifts to keep the Residence running smoothly. Your efforts are greatly appreciated.


This weekend we are off to Perth for Country Week. Jennie Stringer is our organiser extraordinaire for this event. Unless you are here to see the hours of effort and planning that go into this week, you have no idea of the number of things that need to be ticked off to ensure its success. The planning starts a full year in advance with accommodation at a premium so this needs to be booked 12 months to the day in advance. Next week when you’re at Country Week, please make the effort to thank Ms Stringer for her amazing planning efforts.

We must also thank all the coaches who have taken the time to train our teams over the weeks and months in preparation for this amazing week. It is a week where the students will have such a great time that they will talk about it for years.


Wednesday evening Mr Foster volunteered his time so some of the motocross riders were able to have some practice. From all reports, this was another very successful evening. Thanks so much Mr Foster.


With the end of term rapidly approaching and students away for Country Week, all boarders need to assist the amazing cleaning staff by stripping their beds, clearing the benchtops, etc. to allow for a thorough end-of-term clean. Please ensure that when you are leaving the College for the last time this term, be it Friday, Sunday before Country Week, or at some point next week, you leave your room as requested.


Early next term the Southwest Coach service on a Sunday evening will be changing the pickup point to the BP service station on the corner of Old Coast Road and Paris Road in Australind. This is far closer for staff to collect from, is well lit and quite populated. It will mean staff are away for less time when they go to collect the students on a Sunday evening. Those parents and guardians who use this service will need to book to this drop-off point. Thanks very much for your co-operation.



A Dorm Challenge was held during National Boarders' Week and the winning dorm was rewarded with pizzas for dinner.