Graduating IELC Class Sememster 1, 2023
First when I came to IELC it was really hard for me but when I met Ms Karalis, I found out the people in here are really kind because Ms Karalis helped me a lot. At first day of my IELC I acquired many strengths like I could understand English and I knew that how to work hard. I learnt this because I want to be plastic surgeon and I will have many hard problems in my way. On the first few days I couldn't understand some words or for the test I was really nervous, and I had no friends. In the IELC class, I learnt how to write a good essay and how to speak or listen to others in English. I also learned from Ms Karalis how to be organised, and I understand how much that’s important for my life. In the IELC I had the opportunity to make a lot of good friends, I had opportunities to know more about Australia and see a lot of old and modern places. I also had the opportunity to study science with other year 10s. This was good because I made new friends and see what a mainstream class is like. Finally, I think I should work on my spelling words and I will never forget my friends and Ms Karalis, because Ms Karalis and my friends helped me a lot.
It’s really a valuable experience at the IELC and I have improved a lot. I read English articles much faster and learn a lot more vocabulary. And now I am able to greet others and communicate with strangers confidently. I have also learnt many new skills. It’s easy to use 5-step writing process for publishing work and use Google for class work at the present. And during the last 4 months, we are lucky enough to have some special opportunities. We have lots of fabulous excursions like Kryal Castle, NGV, Old Melbourne Gaol and swimming and athletics carnivals. I was moved a lot for the birthday celebration for me in February. Moreover, I take pride in my strengths very much. I’m really positive and adaptable. I work hard and am willing to learn. Doing well in Maths made me confident too. But not everything is successful for me. It’s hard to catch up with local people in English. I’m concerned a lot about my new school’s life as I have missed half a year’s mainstream class. However, I believe everything is going to be fine. All of us still have a long way to go in the future.
In my 20 weeks in IELC class, I learned a lot of helpful things. I can understand English better and I can even write essays in English. In Media class, I learned how to make a short video and edit it. In PE class with Miss Spinks, I learned the rules of the local sports. I improved my Literacy and Numeracy with Miss Wan. We did a lot of things with Miss Karalis, but the most important skill that I learned from her was speaking English and confidence. Of course I had a lot of problems communicating, but in term 2 I could speak English fluently and I made more friends. I truly had fun in IELC class. I can’t wait for mainstream classes!
During the 20 weeks of my study here in IELC, I learnt a lot, and experienced a lot. I have improved my English speaking, listening, writing and reading skills. I can now write informative and persuasive essays as well as narratives. We had opportunities to go out of campus to have fun, such as NGV. Old Melbourne Gaol and Kryal Castle. We made friends with each other. The thing I could have done better is that I should be braver to make friends and speak to the teachers. And now, time flies so fast, it’s time for us to go to mainstream school to keep studying. We will say goodbye soon to each other, and I will remember the precious time here forever.
In term 1 I think that I’m the best English speaker in class, so I didn’t put a lot of effort in anything like grammar, spelling, music, maths. But now I realise my English skills are not very good compared to the other students. Now I feel bad. I now know that I need to read a lot to improve my grammar. I need to use the look/say/cover/write/check to improve my spelling. I made a lot of friends in the IELC. Some of them are older than me. Like my friend Bardia who helps me to do my work. I went on a lot of excursions. I really enjoyed the Kryal Castle excursion. I liked the knight and the sword and shield battle. I also like going on the year 7 camp. It was fun and I loved the camp fire. An area I could have done better is completing my homework. I also need to read every evening and put greater effort in my work.
I have studied at the IELC Class for 6 months. I have discovered that I really enjoy reading books and try to read in English. Not only that, I also have a passion for studying in English, although I’m not excellent at it. I am a hard-working person when I completed all the homework at home. My weakness is pronunciation, and I am trying to develop it, trying to get confident when speaking in English with other people, understanding instructions in English in all subjects. Over the past 6 months, I have travelled around Melbourne during class excursions: Kryal Castle, National Gallery of Victoria, and my favourite one: Old Melbourne Gaol. I have experienced some specialist classes: music, media, STEM, physical education. The most important thing that I met lots of colleagues from different countries, and they are very friendly and kind. I could have done better if I revised for the exams better. I am trying to do the best I can in all subjects. IELC Class is my first memorable experience in Australia. Thank you for all the wonderful experiences.
Do you know how my first day at Macleod College was? I was really shy and didn't want to talk with anyone. I just talk with my Vietnamese friends and avoided other people. After five or six weeks, I could talk a little bit with my other classmates. Next 4 months, I had two best friends in class. We also had an Athletics Carnival. In that, I did the 100 meters running. I got second place in that race. I also went to new place around Melbourne such as the Old Melbourne Gaol. I learned how to improve speaking, listening and writing from my mistakes. For my first and second essay, I didn’t get the mark I was looking for, but in the third essay, I developed. It was really high, and I was really happy. I think with more practice I can improve my confidence to speak to others and not rely only on my Vietnamese friends.