
CSEF (Camp, Sport, Excursion Fund)
Reminder to families with Healthcare Card/Concession Cards …
2023 CSEF Applications close Friday 23 June 2023, the last day of term 2. Schools cannot submit any applications after this date.
If you have transferred from another school, Macleod College needs a new CSEF application and copy of your concession card.
Camp, Sport, Excursion Fund Information
2023 CSEF Application
Applications for the 2023 Prep CSEF Uniform Package are open to current CSEF families.
Please note the following:
- Vouchers issued will have an expiry and must be redeemed before the expiration date
- Once vouchers have been issued, SSR are unable to exchange items for “change of mind”
- Applications for this package must be received at Reception by Friday 01 September 2023 to be processed by the end of Term 3
For a student to be eligible to receive the 2023 Prep Package, the student must be a Camp, Sport, Excursion Fund (CSEF) recipient.
2023 Prep CSEF Uniform Package Information for Families
2023 Prep CSEF Uniform Package Application
Parent Payment Arrangements 2023
Thank you to over half of our families who have made contributions towards college charges. With these funds, we will purchase the Careers VR headsets plus subscription for our Years 09 to 12; provide invaluable Health Education programs delivered by external specialists; upgrade sports equipment for all year levels; plus, other educational resources.
We do continue to encourage all families to contribute, as these funds will be used to help improve student resources and spaces.
Contributions can be made through the Compass Parent Portal or at Reception.