
Hello Students and Families,
Well done to all students for completing Term 2. Now is the time to get some rest, have some fun and recharge over the break. A reminder to students that there are many free or low cost events happening over the holidays through Banyule Youth. Please visit their website https://banyuleyouth.com/schoolholidays/ for a full overview (there are a lot of events!!).
Looking ahead to Term 3, there are some great programs for young people and parents/carers that we would like to mention.
- Headspace Greensborough will be running the Tuning In To Teens program in starting July 18 and continuing until August (6 sessions in total). This free program is a fantastic way for caregivers to how to manage their own and their teen’s emotions in ways that support healthy communication and emotional intelligence. And best of all - it's free! Please see the flyer below, or go to https://forms.office.com/r/N1YTuB42Uu to register.
- The I CAN Network will be offering the I CAN mentoring program for Macleod College students in Year 7 - 9 who identify as autistic or have autistic traits, starting in August. The 8 session program is free for students to attend, for more information see below or please email Andrea Simpson (MHP) - andrea.simpson@education.vic.gov.au
Parent Information Session (via zoom): Tuesday 18th July, 7pm - 8pm via zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88462647145
Expression of Interest Form: https://forms.gle/9b4bS7Ur1GLjE4qR6.
- Year 7-9 will view a live performance by Brainstorm Production, which explores cyberbullying and mental health, and provides strategies for resilience, help-seeking and positive relationship.
- Staff at Macleod College have been attending professional development to implement the Berry Street Educational Model, students will notice some changes as the processes become embedded into daily life at school. Please read more about this in the newsletter.
As we close for Term 2, we would also like to remind everyone that there are supports available to you over the holidays if you are feeling stressed or need someone to talk to.
Here are some free services that young people can access via phone, webchat or sms:
- Eheadspace - https://headspace.org.au/online-and-phone-support/
- Kidshelpline - https://kidshelpline.com.au/
- Lifeline - https://www.lifeline.org.au/
Here are some free services that parents and carers can access:
- Lifeline - https://www.lifeline.org.au/
- Parentline - https://services.dffh.vic.gov.au/parentline
- Beyond Blue - https://www.beyondblue.org.au/get-support/talk-to-a-counsellor
During the school term, you can reach out to our Wellbeing Team by emailing Claudia at nil@macleod.vic.edu.au to arrange a chat.
Have a great break!
From the Wellbeing Team - Kasi, Claudia, Kylie and Andrea.
The I CAN Network Leadership Program is coming to Macleod College in Term 3!
Macleod College will again be offering the I CAN mentoring program delivered by the I CAN Network in Term 3. The I CAN Network (https://icannetwork.online/) is an organisation that provides a range of resources for Autistic people. Since 2014, I CAN mentors have worked with Autistic students at schools across Victoria and Queensland. The program has contributed to the improvement of self-acceptance, belonging, optimism and confidence.
Macleod College have engaged I CAN to run Autistic led mentoring sessions, 1 hour weekly for 8 weeks during Term 3 and 4 for students who have a diagnosis of Autism or have Autistic qualities in Year 7 to Year 9. .
Mentoring sessions cover topics such as:
Teamwork: Builds a sense of belonging and connection among participants.
Personal Motivations/Strengths: Goal setting and maintaining a positive outlook.
Saying I CAN: Motivational storytelling: Your story. Mentor stories. Our stories.
Communication: Listening, networking and public speaking skills.
Planning and Organising: Learning how to create a project.
End of Program Event: Creating a project that exposes the ‘awe’ in AWEtism to be shown at the AWEtism EXPO 2023! Students have the option to attend the ICAN Network AWEtism EXPO held at Docklands in October, a fantastic event that showcases the strengths of the Autistic community.
Who is eligible to be part of the program?
- The program is available to those students who have an Autism diagnosis, or demonstrate some Autistic qualities who are in Year 7 - 9.
- There are limited places available for this program (16 maximum).
- Once your child has been accepted into the program you will receive an email with a link to a Registration form that needs to be completed prior to commencement.
Expression of Interest:
SIGN UP: if your child is interested in participating in the program, please fill in the form here: https://forms.gle/9b4bS7Ur1GLjE4qR6
Parent Information Session (via zoom): Tuesday 18th July, 7pm - 8pm zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88462647145
If you need more information or have questions, please contact:
Andrea Simpson (Mental Health Practitioner) via email - andrea.simpson@education.vic.gov.au