Principals Report

MCMA Austrian Club - 16 June
Once again the Austrian Club has proven to be one of the MCMA highlights. The concert was sold out, and the audience was treated to some wonderful performances. I am always impressed with our students however on these occasions I am beaming with pride and admiration. Congratulations to all the students involved and a special thanks to the music and instrumental teachers for all of their hard work in putting together such a wonderful event. Also thanks to the parents, community members and staff that attended. It is a real testament to how close-knit and important the MCMA is to many people given that at almost 20 past students and parents were in attendance!!
Exams and Semester reports
The end of the semester brings about two big ticket items in schools; Exams and Reports.
Last week our year 10-12 students started their mid-year exam campaign. In addition, all students undertaking any Unit ¾ study completed the GAT on Thursday 15 June. The GAT is used to help moderate student results and to determine a derived exam score should the student fail to attend the exam due to approved reasons.
The staff involved in running the exams have done a great job and have provided our students with valuable exam experience. Thanks to Donna Morante (Timetable), Royce Light (Later Years leader), Bill Corbett (Yr. 12 student manager), Sarah Barrand (Yr. 11 student manager and Keegan Ryan (Year 10 student manager). Thank you also to the staff that prepared and marked the exams afterwards - it really is a mammoth effort, but one we know will positively impact student achievement.
We are also seeing the conclusion of the semester learning cycle in all subjects. Thanks to Michelle Wallis (AP), Simone Hales (IT), Helen Spanos (Curriculum Leader), and all the staff who work so hard to give this feedback to our students.
Health Day
On Thursday 15 June, year 9 students participated in a health day. The male identifying students took part in a Man Cave workshop that encourages long-term behaviour change in regard to respectful relationships, mental health and healthy masculinity. This workshop encouraged our school value of connect by allowing students to have courageous conversations with one another and establish an understanding and empathetic approach to their peers.
Female identifying students engaged in several workshops including Project Rockit that focused on leadership and teamwork, femininity, body image, respectful relationships and Yoga. Students established an environment throughout the day that was safe, respectful, understanding and empowering, demonstrating our school value of respect.
All students walked away from the day with strategies and knowledge that they can utilise now and into the future.
School resumes on Tuesday 11 July. Have a great break!
Mario Panaccio