Engagement & Wellbeing

Parking Around the School

We respectfully remind all parents and carers to show kindness and patience around school drop off and pick up times. The end of the school day, in particular, is an especially busy time for parking around our school. 


It is important that everyone is following the road rules, signage and parking in a manner that is safe.  


In particular, please remember that the bus stop in Simpson St is for bus parking only, and our “drop & go” zone is near the gym, accessed by either Inglis St or Yuille St. The “drop & go” parking area is for 2 minutes only and drivers are requested to stay near their car. 


Should an issue arise, please use appropriate behaviour and language and speak respectfully to others to resolve any concerns. 


We are aware that several families rely on the disabled car parking bays and remind everyone that two additional disabled parking bays are located in the staff car park. Members of the public are welcome to utilise the disabled bays only in the staff car park should they be required. 


However, please do not use the staff car park for general parking at pick up and drop off times.  


We are fortunate to have many accessible roads around our school and are very well placed compared to other schools in terms of parking. Please consider parking and walking a little further to help ease traffic congestion, particularly on Simpson St (front of the school). 

Ryan’s IGA Community Rewards Program

Buninyong Primary School has been selected to participate in Ryan’s IGA Community Rewards program at the Mt Clear store during July & August 2023.

Customers will be offered a token every time they shop and can choose which charity to donate to by dropping their token in that box. 

If you shop at IGA in Mt Clear, please consider putting your token in the Buninyong PS box!

School Disco - Friday 28 July- save the date!

The excitement is building as we prepare for our 2023 school disco on Friday 28 July! Our event last year was a massive hit and a highlight of the year for many students. We're looking forward to another wonderful night in 2023!


Please keep on Compass as all the details will be sent out soon!



  • RSVP via Compass is required to attend
  • $5 entry (paid via QKR prior to the night)
  • Snacks & drinks will be available to purchase on the night
  • Junior (p-2) Disco 4 - 5pm
  • Senior (3-6) Disco 5.15 - 6.15pm
  • Absolutely no phones or devices to be brought along

Bunjil Awards


Congratulations to the following students who received a Bunjil Award at the last assembly of term 2:

Bunjil awards recognise student achievement and those who display our school values of being respectful, responsible and kind.


Well done! All of our weekly winners enjoy a hot chocolate with a principal.