150 Celebrations

As mentioned previously, plans for celebrating the school’s 150th are coming together nicely and hopefully next week we’ll be able to provide a confirmed program of events.  However, we do know the following:


·       Friday September 1st is the big day, where the following will be happening:

  • There will be a display of memorabilia in the staff room for everyone to look through and tours of our school for guests (led by grade 6 students).
  • All students will be invited to attend in period costume, reflecting any era from the school’s past.
  • We will start the day with an Assembly, which will include:
    • An acknowledgement of country
    • A rendition of God Save the Queen
    • Guest speakers (past students and staff)
    • A few performances from the choir
    • An audio-visual presentation, featuring a collection of photos and snippets from interviews with past students and staff.
    • A ceremonial closing of the time capsule.
  • Following the assembly we’ll have a costume procession, before gathering for a whole school photo (we might need a drone for that).
  • For the remainder of the day, students will be with their teachers participating in activities that celebrate Buninyong Primary School as it has been throughout the school’s history.
  • Morning & afternoon tea will be available all day for any visitors, who can stay as long as they like to look through memorabilia and take a tour. 

We’re currently looking at options for a gathering or event in the evening and then the potential for a gathering of some sort on Saturday to provide another opportunity for those returning to catch up and share memories of their time at the school.  More details to come on these options.


But this occasion is more than an event on and around September 1st.  Celebrating the 150th anniversary is a great opportunity to build pride in our school and the community of Buninyong, but also presents a learning opportunity for our current students, who have lots to learn about changes in the school experience over time.


The event is also a great opportunity for us to gather and preserve school history, in the knowledge that a great deal of memorabilia has been lost over the years.  A great deal of memorabilia has been uncovered over the past month, some through the dedicated facebook site, some through community contributions and others through the Buninyong Historical Society.  If you haven’t been on the facebook site as yet, we encourage you to, as some great material is being shared. 




We continue the call out for any memorabilia and encourage everyone to share anything you have from the past.  Attached is some of the material we have uncovered recently.


 Over the coming few weeks we’ll showcase plans for:


·         A medallion that is being struck to mark the occasion.

·         The time capsule we’re putting together.

·         The 150th Anniversary book we’re putting together.

·         A project to interview past students and staff.

·         The story of our school bell.


To successfully run an event such as this we’ll need some help from parents.  That might include helping us sort photos and make up displays and helping out with catering on September 1.  If you’re able to help, please get in touch.