Principal's Report


We hope you all had a nice break, despite the weather not being kind to us.  We have a nice quiet week to start, giving everyone the chance to settle back in.  We welcome Belle Reid and Sarah Mann to our team, who will be sharing one of the grade 1/2 classes for the remainder of 2023. 


As always, we have a number of things to look forward to for the term ahead, which includes:

  • NAIDOC week
  • Our 150 celebrations on September 1
  • A professional development day for staff (July 21)
  • A school disco
  • The grade 3/4 Camp
  • South Street Debating
  • Young Authors Workshops
  • More VSSS (Victorian State School Spectacular) rehearsals & the big performance towards the end of term
  • Biocats excursions for the 5/6s and an Earth Ed Incursion for the Preps
  • Book Week from August 21-25
  • Our Fathers’ Day Stall on August 30
  • Kinder visits throughout week 8
  • The Celebration of Learning event in the final week of term
  • Finishing off the term with the Sports Colours Day


In the last week of term 2 we had our final panel day for the school review.  A panel report has been completed and sent to the department.  At our July School Council Meeting we’ll take some time to consider the report and turn our attention to developing a new Strategic Plan, which will guide our work over the coming 4 years. 


Overall, the review was a positive experience and external members of the panel members enjoyed their time at the school.  They could see the school environment is warm, supportive and positive, with a clear focus on meeting the learning and wellbeing needs of students.  Like all schools, we have strengths and weaknesses, and it was encouraging that the panel could see we have clear plans in place for ongoing school improvement.


We’re making good progress with plans to celebrate our 150th on September 1.  In the lead up to this event, we’ll have a dedicated newsletter page each week.  Our 150 Celebrations Committee meets again tomorrow and hopefully we’ll have a full program of events to share next week.