Deputy Principal's Message

What a busy term it has been! I wish all students and families a safe and happy holiday. We look forward to welcoming you back, ready for a fantastic Term 3.

Wonder Recycling Rewards

Thank you to all students and families who brought in bread bags to recycle as part of our Wonder Recycling Rewards program. We have now filled all four of our boxes and can no longer accept anymore bread bags. We look forward to using the rewards generated to purchase new sporting equipment which should be available later in the year.

Tell Them From Me student survey

Students in Years 4 to 6 will be taking part in the Tell Them From Me student survey later this week. The survey provides schools with insights into student engagement, wellbeing and effective teaching practices at their school, from the perspective of students. 


If you do not wish your child to participate in Tell Them From Me, please complete a non-consent form and return it to the front office. Copies of the note were sent home with students today. For more information, please visit the Tell Them From Me Parent Website .


Lana Howlett

Deputy Principal