Principal's News

'Human greatness does not lie in wealth or power, but in character and goodness.'

Anne Frank

Dear Families


Welcome to Term 3 and I trust you had a wonderful winter break with your family. It has been a positive return to school and I want to take the opportunity to thank you for the seemless transition to our adjusted school hours. I'm aware some parents/carers may have had to do some tweaking to their day and I appreciate this work.



Australian Mathematics Competition

An Operoo was pushed out yesterday to our Year 3-6 families regarding the upcoming Australian Mathematics Competition. This is an open invitation to interested students who thrive on mathematical challenges and are eager to sit an exam style test that runs for 60 minutes. It's purpose is to challenge and extend students' problem solving skills. Please respond to the Operoo if your child/ren will be participating in this nationwide competition. 

Book Week - Dress Up 

In Week 7, the week commencing Monday 21st August is Book Week, the theme is 'Read, Grow, Inspire.' Please know that our Dress Up Day and parade will be Thursday 24th August as the Friday is now District Athletics.


Master Planning

We are presently engaging with possible architects to develop a master plan for our school. A masterplan is a high-level planning document that outlines how a school's infrastructure can support its educational vision. This includes such things as keeping facilities at a level that meets current and future students’ needs as enrolments change and pedagogy evolves. We look forward to having interviews with our selected and interested architects.


Teacher Professional Learning

On the first day of the term, we had a school closure day where we engaged and reflected on the key messages of Laudato Si  (a letter from Pope Francis) and our call to care for our common home through 'Little Earthies.' We unpacked the term 'itegral ecology' and what this means in our personal and professional lives. This course provided various resources to support planning and action in our own school and how we can make greater connections to our catholic identity.


2024 Prep Interviews

We are currently in the middle of holding our 2024 Prep Interviews, where we have the opportunity to met with the child and their families. This is an important gathering where we come together to learn more about the child and the families future hopes. 


Make sure you read the other areas of our newsletter so you aware of all that is happening!


Go well,


Sarah McDermott



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