Time Flies!

Tanya Vaughan - Head of Primary

We always knew that Term 2 would fly by quickly, but WOW…what a term! 


We have seen deep, authentic learning across the year levels, Sports Days, camps, incursions, excursions, discos, hot chocolates, fun at assemblies, Y3-6 production workshops commence, success at interschool events and a community of learners and teachers who are committed to making the most of each new day, and embracing the lessons we can learn as we experience life together.


Last Friday we had the joy of welcoming a number of our 2024 Prep Students and their families to our Prepped to Go session, a time of music, dance, games, story and song. The anticipation and excitement were evident as little people arrived to share in the morning together….this being their first experience of ‘Big School’. 


Whilst the beginning of the 2024 school year is seven months away, the time will fly by quickly – and before mums and dads know it, their little one will be dressed in green and blue, accompanied by an oversized bag and school hat – and life as a DCC student will begin. I thank Lee Giliam, Catherine Fernihough, Judy Paterson, David Bonfa, Felicity Morice and Helen Reid for their contribution to the morning. 


There will be some staffing changes next term, with the return of Scott Rees to Primary PE. Clint Westcott, who has been teaching PE to Preps and students in Years 4-6, finishes with us this week. We thank Clint for his commitment to all things PE and Sport this semester.


It is with our blessings and prayers that we farewell Yan Wu, our upper Primary Chinese teacher, for a season of maternity leave as she prepares to welcome baby number two to the family. We give thanks for the provision of a new Primary Chinese teacher next semester and look forward to Becky Black returning to the Primary Team.

Spotlight on Art

Zoe Hardy - Visual Arts Teacher


What a privilege it is to deepen our understanding of God’s world and to respond to His generosity with creativity.


Year 6 students have been painting aquariums or terrariums, considering the colour and shape of God’s creation in a small space.


Fantastic Fives have been creating radial prints, developing their mastery of pattern and spatial awareness.


Year 4s have explored sculpture after a visit to the Heide Sculpture Park. They have made clay mobiles and explored construction materials to create an abstract sculpture.


Our Thrilling Threes have enjoyed collaging sea creatures, developing their ability to use shape intentionally.


Year 2s have been observing trees in different climates enabling them to sculpt a story-telling tree with paper, building their clay manipulation skills.


What is a home? This question has been pondered by Year 1 students, reflecting on the work of an architect, a Melbournian spray painter and a picture book illustrator. They have worked from memory and with organic line.


And, Preps have made funny monsters with paint, plasticine and cardboard. They’ve learnt how to use watercolour paint and are strengthening listening skills.