
Plastic Free July

We can’t recycle our way out of this. We need to turn plastic waste off at the tap.

Right now, we have a chance to make a difference.

“… we have a once in a planet opportunity to get it right”. Inger Andersen, Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme.

Together, we can create change.


Join 100+ million participants worldwide for the Plastic Free July Challenge:

Head to PFJ to find out more information or register for the challnege! Every little bit count!


Waste not...BYO instead!

Remember to BYO to reduce waste...

  • BYO mug for Milo - bring it to the canteen when you purchase your Milo
  • BYO cutlery for hot meals - select the option on Flexischools and just BYO to your own classroom

Green Team meetings are on Tuesday lunch times in 5B's classrom - everyone is welcome to join us!


BYO is the GO!

The Green Team 

Sustainability Events & Resources

(Our school is not affiliated with any of these)


Reusable Nation have some great resources available: