Christopher J Morey Building Re-Opening

Dear Parents and Carers,


On behalf of Girton Grammar School Principal, Dr Emma O’Rielly and the Girton Grammar School Board, we would like to extend a warm invitation to the highly anticipated re-opening of the newly renovated Christopher J Morey Building and the launch of the state-of-the-art Lumination Learning Lab. 


We cordially invite you to join us on the first day of Term 3, Wednesday 19th July from 6-9pm. This momentous occasion will provide an opportunity for the School community to come together, revel in the remarkable refurbishment of the building, and explore the innovative features of the state-of-the-art Lumination Learning Lab, the first of its kind in a school in Victoria. 


Event: Christopher J Morey Building Opening 

Date: Wednesday 19th July 

Time: 6-9pm 

Location: Front foyer of the Christopher J Morey Building. Entry via 22 Vine St entrance. 


To confirm your attendance at this momentous event, kindly click here to RSVP by Monday 10th July. A light supper will be provided, keeping in mind that this will be an alcohol-free gathering. 


We look forward to your presence and shared enthusiasm as we embark on the next remarkable chapter in Girton Grammar School's history.