Senior School Production

In a city where gaming is everything, our modern adaptation of this story is set in Las Vegas, a bustling American city in the Nevada desert, known for its gambling, bright lights and non-stop entertainment. We chose Vegas, as a symbol of gambling, game playing and the long-standing ancient grudge between the two powerful families of the city, Romeo's family, the Montagues and Juliet's family, the Capulets, who don't realise until it's too late what their ridiculous feud has been gambling with  - ultimately, the lives of their children. 


Wednesday June 21st, Thursday June 22nd and Friday June 23rd. Get your tickets from the Capital Theatre website:


On behalf of the student cast, backstage crew, band, theatre techs and all the staff and parents who have put many hours into bringing the community another fabulous Girton Senior Production - we would love to see our Girton Community show their support and fill the Capital Theatre!


Ms Mandy Ellison

Head of Drama and Media


Interview with the Production Captain                       Lily Harvey (12 Aherne)

What do you like about being involved in a Drama Production?


One of the best experiences for being involved in the Senior School Production is meeting new people and making friendships that you have for a long time. As Production Captain this year I when we first started rehearsals I wanted everyone to first get to know the whole cast because for myself that’s really important to know who your cast is and that we can create an enjoyable and exciting production when working effectively as a team. This is because when working together to make a production or play you need to have that connection with everyone to make something special which we have for you this year. This production of Romeo and Juliet has come together and everyone has been supporting each other for these last weeks coming up to the show which I’ve loved seeing from each cast performer.


What have you learnt by being a part of this particular Production?


The most important part I’ve learnt about this year’s production is that every cast is different. This year I have spent more time supporting and encouraging people to help them overcome stress as many were a new group of people working together for the first time. I enjoyed being a leader who could bring people together, create a mind re-set and help them see the positives and the end goal.


What have you enjoyed the most about the role you are playing in the Production?


For this year’s production of Romeo and Juliet I’m playing the role of the Dancer/Ensemble. The best aspect I love about playing both of these roles is having to play lots of different characters when being in the ensemble. Being one of the dancers it is also exciting because being a dancer myself outside of the production it makes the experience so much more fun, especially when just enjoying it with the other dancers such as Estella, Scarlett and Mietta. Having the role of the dancer this year has been different from previous years because this year of Romeo and Juliet I thought there would be no dancers because it’s more of a play but we decided to make it more exciting and dramatic to incorporate dancers with it set in Las Vegas. This has made the production team make it more out there and thrilling for the audience to see our creation of Romeo and Juliet. 


Any advice or encouragement for young people looking to be involved in a Production?


As Production Captain for 2023 I’ve felt very involved in this year’s production. The advice I would give to the students of Girton Grammar is if you feel like this isn’t something you would normally do and you’re not sure if you will like it, just give it a go! You never know it could become your new hobby! These productions are for people to work as a team and to create a show that people will enjoy. You also learn more skills and challenge yourself. You can join with friends or make new friends. If you think should give it a go…..JUST DO IT!