Year 8 Medieval Day

Medieval Day at Girton Grammar

Last Friday the Year 8 students were introduced to the many delights of life as a peasant in a Medieval European village. Some of the hi-lights of the day are shown below in the student reflections. By all reports it was a "smashing" way to end examination week for our Year 8 students and provided them with great insight into our next unit of study in History - Medieval Europe.


Student Reflections:

Medieval Day was a fun experience with activities ranging from archery to acting out what the past would have looked like. There was a peasant banquet provided for lunch with vegetable soup and bread. The day finished off with a big tournament battle where 2 people would face off in a sword-fighting duel and the first person to get out was eliminated. It was a very interesting day with lots of fun and experiences to help us with our upcoming unit for Medieval history in Geography/History.


Yaduraj Chopra (8 Jones)



During medieval day all of the Year 8’s got to experience what life was like for peasants during the medieval period. We tried on armour, discussed crimes and punishment, completely failed at archery (well most of us anyway!), had a peasant's lunch of soup and bread and to finish the day off, some chosen students got to use a weapon and fight Lorenzo. Tom Evennett and Alvin Chen managed to hit Lorenzo in the head and the whole year level went crazy. Overall, it was a very good day and a very nice way to introduce us to medieval history.


Dannii Hodges (8 Riley)



Last Friday, The year 8 cohort were given an opportunity to learn and experience what life was like during the medieval period. The Year 8’s were shown many activities like archery, crime and punishment, medieval weapons, and tournament games.


After a day full of learning, the Year 8 students were given a very classy meal, soup and bread, a meal that would traditionally be eaten by peasants during the Dark Ages, due the fact that it was cheap and seen as affordable for many families living in poverty. 


At the end of the day, we were given the experience to fight against a knight and learn some medieval military tactics. Some year 8’s were lucky enough to fight against the ‘knight’ using work-safe copies of mediaeval weapons. Some of these weapons included a sword, an axe, and shield. Coming from an audience member, it was very entertaining to watch our fellow classmates get respectfully stabbed (lightly) in the gut, while we cheered them on. This was by far the highlight of our day!


Eliza Jackson Sloane (8 Aherne) and Alby Moko (8 Riley)



On medieval day we were able to take part in many exhilarating medieval themed activities including archery, medieval games and we got the chance to learn about medieval weapons and crime and punishments. After these activities we got to experience a peasant's meal at lunchtime with vegetable soup and bread. To top the day off we got to partake in a medieval battle. Overall medieval day was a lot of fun and an experience to remember.


Richard Stobie (8 Riley)



Medieval Day was last Friday, the 9th of June. It was fun and exciting, and I learnt many things about Medieval Europe and the way people lived. The four sessions were weapons and armour, archery, crime and punishment, and education and games. We also got the opportunity to have lunch as a peasant would have had. I would like to thank the four individuals from Melbourne who came up to Bendigo to start our journey into term three history.                               


Isabel Weibgen (8 Riley)



Medieval day was a great day indeed as a humble peasant thy work was exquisite as I learned of thou armour and weapons of thy vikings and knights. Thou went on to learn about thy punishments on evil doers and thy thieves. After the executions, the peasant games began and I watched with interest. After some delicious slop of the pigs,  the knight tournament began and thy squires went against sir and many, many squires tried but many failed against sir. After the tournament I returned to my wood shack and went to sleep in my straw bed.


Noah Robinson (8 Jenkin)