From the Principal

As we approach the conclusion of Term 2, it is an opportune time to reflect on the holistic development of our students and the vital role we all play in fostering their wellbeing. This time of the academic year allows us to take stock of the progress of our students and ensure their ongoing support and success in Semester 2.


Recent studies have shed light on the challenges faced by students, emphasising the need for a collective commitment to prioritise their wellness. As we are all too aware, the disruption and stress of the COVID-19 pandemic have resulted in a spike in mental health problems, necessitating collaboration among governments, educators, parents, and the wider community to support vulnerable young people and their wellbeing. 


In a recent study conducted by the University of Melbourne and published in The Educator on 7 June 2023, insights into the experiences of Year 11 students across Eastern Australia revealed the significance of mental health issues. Disturbingly, 44% of females and 29% of males reported feeling 'unhealthy' or 'very unhealthy' in terms of their mental wellbeing. Participants expressed distress regarding the lack of accessible mental health services, particularly young people from regional and rural areas. While not all young people share the same pessimism and uncertainty about the future, the widespread sentiment is concerning.


At Girton, we understand that mental health is a critical aspect of our students' overall development and success. As part of our efforts, we have implemented a School Counselling Policy which outlines the process, referral system and scope of the School’s counselling services. Our dedicated 65 Wattle wellbeing facility on the Senior School campus houses a team of highly skilled counsellors and psychologists. Our 65 Wattle team is dedicated to providing resources and guidance to address the specific needs of our students and equip them with the tools to manage stress, anxiety, and other challenges. 


Our School nurse and psychologists at 65 Wattle work tirelessly to provide the support our students need, however the demand for these services often surpasses our capacity, and results in a waiting period, which is currently five weeks. There may also be times when the team at 65 Wattle are of the view that a matter is beyond their expertise, and the student may be referred to an external service provider in consultation with parents.


Should you have any concerns about any aspect of student wellbeing, please do not hesitate to reach out to your child’s class teacher, House Tutor or Head of House. Requests by parents for the intervention of the School’s counselling services should be made by completing the referral request through Astra or going through the student’s Head of House or Deputy Head of Junior School. 


The wellbeing of our young learners goes beyond academic achievements and encompasses their emotional resilience, mental health, and overall sense of belonging. We recognise the importance of fostering supportive connections among peers and nurturing positive relationships between students and teachers. On this point, at our end of Term Assembly next week I will emphasise to students the importance of nurturing meaningful connections and encourage them to disconnect from screens during their holidays to connect in person with the important people in their lives.


On a final note, we kindly request that all parents familiarise themselves with the Absentee process to ensure the safety and wellbeing of our students and help us fulfil our duty of care. If your child is absent, please notify the School via the Absentee process outlined in the Astra parent portal. Please note that the Absentee phone line is no longer an option for reporting student absences.


Thank you for your continued partnership. 


Kind regards

Dr Emma O'Rielly 
