
Quiz Night 2023

On Saturday 24th June our school community gathered for a fun-filled evening of quizzing. The Winter Wonderland theme was brought to the gym with pine trees, fairy lights and decorations a-plenty, transforming the space in preparation for the evening.


Our Fundraising Committee worked hard in the lead up to the event, rounding up an amazing array of prizes for the evening. Their commitment to the cause continued as they lent a hand in preparation for the evening, and throughout the night.


An enormous THANK YOU to our hosts for the evening, Jennifer Roberts and Jess Sheppard, who kept us on track and on time - a hard task at times! 


While the name of the game was fundraising - the winner on the night was definitely the fabulous community spirit that filled the room. There was laughter, friendly competition and a memorable night had by all.


We raised over $5000 on the night which will go towards school play space projects. We can't thank you enough, and our students are the biggest winners of all.


Join us!