New Building Open

We have moved!

Over Saturday, July 1st, and Sunday, July 2nd, the big move into the new building took place. Twelve classes moved into their new space, while three classes moved out of the Tolmer building and into their new home in the Penfold main building.


A big thank you to the removal team, who did an amazing job relocating the classrooms into their new spaces. Our teachers have also done an awesome job unpacking and setting up their new classrooms.


Above is a snapshot of the excited students who are settling into their new classes.


Over the holidays, work will continue on the landscaping and the new staff carpark. This should be completed by early term 3.

Farewell to Tolmer Buildings

The transportable buildings have served us well over many years, however, it is now time to say goodbye. Over the holidays, these three buildings will be demolished.