Autism Inclusion Teacher

Supporting our Students

I am looking forward to working in the Autism Inclusion Teacher role while Jessica Kalleske is on Maternity Leave. We have had some time to hand over and I have been familiarising myself with the role.


 Within this role, I will be:

  • Engaging in formal learning on autism.
  • Involved in ongoing collaborative practice with fellow Autism Inclusion Teachers.
  • Promoting best practice related to autism with fellow educators including teachers, School Services Officers, Aboriginal Community Education Officers and Bilingual School Services Officers at our school.
  • Improving school support for autistic children and young people, and in a way  that works for our school.

This is an exciting opportunity to enhance the support we provide to autistic children and young people at our school.

As this week is NAIDOC week, I have included a Positive Partnerships family story from new resource called: Autism, Our Kids, Our Stories: Voices of Aboriginal Parents Across Australia.


This book is a collection of 10 interviews and reveals valuable insights into the journey experienced by Aboriginal families, including women and girls, when parenting a child on the autism spectrum. More articles like this can be found at-  

Melanie's Story
Melanie's Story

With kindness,

Lisa Williams