Photo File - Catch Ups: 

Room 11 and 20 hosted two student visitors from South Korea. Mum and Dad travelled here during their school holidays so their children could experience a Kiwi school. We are very popular with international students, and these parents were so pleased they want to bring their daughter back for a month again next year. The children in both rooms did a wonderful job of making our visitors - Kun Ha and Yun Ha - feel welcome and happy.

As part of our Structured Approach t Play Based Learning, our junior children learn to use carpentry tools and make cool creations.

Reiley and Tevita share their totally cool space dioramas with us. Their classmates in room ten also made dioramas.

Jacinta and Mia share their super-cool space book and bookmark.

We had dinosaur bones and artifacts on display for our junior classes recently.


Room three made dinosaurs to show their learning - mostly Stegosaurus dinosaurs.


Matilde with Samoan Language Week Tapā art - featuring a turtle, of course.

Archie, Nina and Steven from room 18, dressed in traditional costumes for class photo day.

Charlotte and room five children organised a bake sale - supported by staff - to raise funds for World Vision. It was a huge success. All stock sold out, and most children who wanted to buy a treat were able to, and they raised over $752 for World Vision. Awesome!!!


DiLa with her recent Player of the Day award.
























Dancing on our stage at lunchtime - our kids love it.