Principal's Page
Kia Ora Friends
This is the 80th newsletter in our new electronic format. It goes out to just over a thousand email addresses each week and is usually read by just over 600 people each week. On average, 200 links within our newsletter are clicked on each week. Most people access the newsletter on their phones.
I really appreciate it whenever someone takes the time to give feedback on our newsletter or a particular article. Last week a mum responded as follows:
Hi Ash
I always enjoy reading your newsletters, and a topic you brought up in the last one reminded me of a book I’m reading currently, which further expands on the idea of no one caring about excuses etc. Not sure if you’ve read it, but it’s called "The Tools" by Phillip Stutz.
If you’re looking to expand on some great mental health life-affirming hurdle busters, there are some great techniques in there that I believe everyone can benefit from knowing. Some real value in this book which is absolutely suitable for all ages – including small children. Just my 2 cents, but thought you’d enjoy this book and get some excellent value out of it at the very least.
I bought the book on Jacqui's recommendation and Stutz's "Coming Alive Tools" book. Both are well worth the read.
Mid-year is a time for review and reflection. We have just received our annual audit report; as you would expect, we gained an excellent report. Our systems are thorough, robust, efficient and effective. Thanks and sincere appreciation goes to our Executive Office Manager, Debbie King. She is meticulous in all she does. Under her leadership and initiative, we have made a number of quite major changes over the last few years that ensure the highest financial administration standards are achieved.
We are also working with the Education Review Office and our Review Partner, Dr Anne Malcolm. We were placed in a Five Year ERO Review Cycle in our last ERO Review. This places us in the top ten per cent of all schools in New Zealand and is the highest standard that can be achieved. In fact, it was six years before our latest review was scheduled, and the feedback from our Review Partner is that we continue to provide outstanding education, care and practice.
Mid-year is also when we report to our parent community on student learning and achievement. My two Deputy Principals and I are checking every written report between us - ten classes each.
This has been an absolute privilege for me. The reports demonstrate all that is good about our teaching and learning. They show teachers who know and care for each child in deeply personal ways. They show evidence of each child's learning journey, achievements, and next learning steps. They show an appreciation for each child's nature, personality and character and genuine affection for their qualities. Your children are truly in great hands.
I am sure you are all looking forward to Learning Conferences this week. Bookings for these are open on our HERO app. Be in quickly to ensure you get a time that works well for your whānau. Thanks all.
This is our last newsletter for term two. We are already halfway through the school year, with Matariki on the horizon. June is the month of Pipiri. Piripi means ‘to huddle, cling to and bind together.’ It signals us to decelerate the pace and fall into a more natural ebb and flow.
We hope you are able to use the upcoming break to connect with whānau and attend to your well-being. We hope you will find time to be refreshed, be able to stay warm and dry and return your children to us safe and sound and ready to learn in term three.
As always - if you have questions or concerns about anything school-related - email me at, and I will get back to you asap.
My very best regards to you all,
Ash Maindonald