Wellbeing and Positive Education.

Mr Campbell

Our school's wellbeing centre has continued to be widely used and supported by our college community which has been really pleasing to see. Our team of counsellors, mental health practitioners and psychologists are currently supporting over 300 students across the college, we encourage all students and families to engage with us if you need advice or someone to talk to, if we don't have the answers we can definitely help to connect you to external services and organisations for further support.

As a wellbeing team we have been incredibly proud of our staff and students as the level of support that has been given to each other has been amazing. Something we have loved seeing is that our students have started to refer their peers to wellbeing when they notice something isn't quite right, this tells us the college is on the right path with guiding our students to look out for and care for one another. 


Our college wide positive education program B+@CESC has now been running in all classes for the past two terms with great success. Students have been actively engaged in classroom activities that promote positive mental health and wellbeing. 

As a wellbeing team it has been pleasing to see students express their gratitude to one another and their teachers, thinking in a positive way and identifying things that are going well is starting to become part of their daily lives which is pleasing to see.  


We really encourage parents/guardians to embrace our positive education program and try to incorporate the principles of gratitude, empathy, kindness and mindfulness into the family home as often as possible, keep an eye out for our weekly compass posts that provides families with activities they can undertake at home with the family. 


Breakfast Club:

Our college runs breakfast club for students every Tuesday and Friday at the front of the red building from 8-8:40am. Students can access free food and beverages and engage with staff to play games and make connections. 


DiSS - Doctors in Schools:

Every Thursday in the wellbeing centre we have our visiting GP Dr Reza. Any student can be booked in to see Dr Reza or our school nurse Tess Doyle. If you wish to make a booking for yourself or as a parent for their child please contact Ms Nicole Price at the college. This is a free service, please note a green Medicare card is required to obtain an appointment, bookings can also be made online using compass through the star icon. 


The Reach Foundation:

As part of our college's B+@CESC Positive Education program we have partnered with the Reach Foundation to deliver workshops at every year level aimed at developing the mental wellbeing and resilience of our students. Earlier in term 3 our year 11's had their workshops which were based around peer dynamics and strengthening the bonds between peers in preparation for their year 12 studies. Safe to say these workshops were some of the most successful yet, to say we were proud of our year 11's is an understatement. The way in which the students opened up to each other, supported each other and demonstrated a genuine care for their peers was beautiful to watch. I want to thank the year 11 VCE students for their interaction with their workshop and I have no doubt they walked away from the day stronger as a cohort and ready to support each other for their final year of studies ahead.

The Resilience Project

Throughout 2023, we will be working closely with The Resilience Project to support the wellbeing of our school community. 


The Resilience Project delivers emotionally engaging programs and provides evidence-based, practical strategies to build resilience.


Our Partnership Program consists of online presentations and weekly lessons for students, professional development for staff, and Parent & Carer Hub (inc. digital presentations) for our parent and carer community. 


Over the coming weeks, we’ll be sharing the Parent & Carer Hub with you. The videos are 5-10 minutes long and will walk through the key pillars of resilience:

  • Gratitude
  • Empathy & 
  • Mindfulness 

As part of our partnership with the TRP parents/guardians can access useful tips and videos to watch at home and help support you to include the GEM principles into the home. 

You can re-watch the videos and access activities and resources anytime via the Parent & Carer Hub.


School Uniform Support:

The Wellbeing Team is able to provide financial support for families with regards to purchasing school uniform. We are able to provide uniform vouchers that will cover up to 80% of the cost of new uniform items from the uniform store. If you would like support please contact Mr. Paul Campbell at the college. 

CESC Community Pantry:

The college has a stocked community pantry located outside the front of the admin building. We encourage all families to utilise this pantry and take what food items you need, we understand with the rising costs of living some families are doing it tough and we want to support you as best we can so please feel comfortable in taking some food to stock your pantries at home.