Year 11/12

Ms Corney, Ms Latchford, Ms Jessop and Ms Greenwood

Term 3 2023 Key Dates



Thursday 17th AugustCurriculum Day


Monday 21st AugustYear 11 Medea Performance (incursion)


Wednesday 6th SeptemberParent / Teacher Interviews
Year 12 Elevate: Finishing Line 9am – 10am
Wednesday 6th - 8th SeptemberSenior School Ski Trip
Thursday 7th SeptemberDivision Athletics


Monday 11th SeptemberSEAS Support Statements Due
Thursday 14th SeptemberRUOK Day
Thursday 14th SeptemberYear 11 Formal
Final Day for Unit 4 SAC Assessment including Redemption
Friday 15th SeptemberEnd of Unit 4 I Yr. 12 Practice Exams begin I T3 ends
 Last Day of Term
 Friday 15th September – Thursday 21st SeptemberYr. 12 Holiday Practice Exams

Senior School- Ski Camp


In 2023 we are offering senior school students a ski camp to Mt Buller.  There are still some spaces available. The camp will include return coach transport from Cranbourne East Secondary College to Mt Buller. Students will stay in lodge accommodation on the Mountain, including 3 days of lift passes and lessons as well as equipment hire each day. Breakfast and dinner will be provided when on the Mountain (students will have to purchase their own lunch each day)

The Date is Wednesday the 6th September- Friday 8th September 2023.

The cost of the trip is approximately $800 which covers the following:

  • 2 nights accommodation
  • Return Coach travel
  • 2 breakfasts and dinners
  • A lift pass and group lessons for the 3 days
  • Ski equipment hire (snow board or skis) for the 3 days

(Students will have to bring their own ski clothing (there will be options to hire clothing at an additional cost). Students will also have to buy their own breakfast on day one and Dinner on day 3.

Suggested Payment Plan




Friday 26th May


Non - refundable deposit


Friday 23rd June



Friday 7th July



Friday 11th August



Please contact Nat Johnston in accounts or Elise Corney for further information 

Year 11 Formal

Year 11 formal is happening Thursday 14th September. This will be a formal event that includes a two-course meal, with soft drink, DJ and photo booth. Students need to wear formal Attire - shirt, tie, trousers, dresses, elegant separates.


Where: At Amberlee Receptions, South Gippsland Highway, Cranbourne

Time: 7:00pm-11:00pm


Students need to purchase their ticket $85 by Friday 18th August 2023


Looking forward to a great night! 

ACED revision lectures for students

Careers subsidise student tickets to the Access Education holiday lectures and have always received excellent feedback from the students who have attended.


It will be $20 for each lecture that students attend online.

The actual price is $45.50 per lecture but careers is covering the difference. So take advantage of this!


If students are interested in attending any of the sessions, please contact Nancy Huez (Careers advisor).


These sessions are highly recommended to help students with their exam preparation.

See sessions in the flyer attached. 


Orders close Tuesday 5 September 2023.


VTAC is now open and will close on the 28th September. SEAS and scholarships applications close on the 6th October.


All year 12 students need to make an appointment with Nancy Huez, the Careers Advisor, to go through their pathway plan and begin entering their VTAC preferences. They will also be going through their SEAS application and the scholarships that are available.  It is very important that all students attend their scheduled meeting. 


Parents are more than welcome to attend these meetings with their children. 


Please feel free to contact Nancy Huez (careers advisor) or Kelly Jessop (Year 12 Leader) at the College, if you would like further information regarding this process.


The VTAC Application Process – An Overview

Save the date!

Please see attached the letter of information for the Valedictory and Year 12 celebrations.


Tickets for Valedictory will be available soon via Compass tix.