Year 7/8

Mr Struth, Ms McLean, Mr Gould and Mr Lee


Tuesday 15th of AugustYear 7 Sport (basketball, handball, hockey, table tennis)
Thursday 17th of AugustCurriculum Day
Monday 28th of August till Friday 1st of SeptemberBook Week
Tuesday 29th of August

Let's Talk Body Image in a Digital World Presentations - RTH1

7A - 7G - Period 2

7H - 8N - Period 3

8A - 8G - Period 4

Tuesday 5th of September

Let's Talk Body Image in a Digital World Presentations - RTH1

8H - 8N - Period 2

Wednesday 6th of SeptemberParent Student Teacher Interviews
Thursday 7th of SeptemberDivision Athletics
Thursday 14th of September


Year 7 End of Term Assembly - Period 5

Friday 15th of September

Last Day of Term

Year 8 End of Term Assembly - Period 2



The Pat Cronin Foundation has a simple vision; a world free from the Coward Punch. They work to achieve this vision by providing an optimistic voice and empowering approach to awareness, education and research, working with schools, clubs, community groups and young people to end the coward punch together. 


On Wednesday 9 August, Year 7 students experienced the Be Wise education program, introducing Pat and his story to assist creating solutions to Be Wise, Think Carefully and Act Kindly


The Foundation's experienced team of presenters and educators address the psychological, social and economic impacts of violent acts like the Coward Punch. They encourage students to reflect on attitudes and behaviours around anger and aggression and together they discuss strategies to deal with these issues personally, and as mates and bystanders. 


Education presentations and programs are designed to leave participants feeling empowered to develop their own action plan to Be Wise and never use violence. The College is elated to be partnering with the Pat Cronin Foundation to provide our students with this co-curricular learning opportunity that will support them not only as adolescents, but well into their adult future.


For more information please see the Foundation website (link below).

Let's End the Coward Punch | Pat Cronin Foundation



There is plenty happening outside of classes for our students. We continue to be committed to building strong peer relationships and connection to school. Check out Compass for the current schedule for available before school, lunch and after school games, clubs and activities.


We encourage all students to attend that are interested. RGAR points are on offer for giving anything a go! Students are encouraged to chat with their Year Level Leaders if they have any questions or to seek support from the staff that run each of the opportunities.



Students and families of the Junior School are to be commended for their College-leading attendance so far in 2023. Families working in collaboration with Ms Evans (Attendance Officer) and Year Level Leaders has resulted in amazing outcomes so far, immensely improved from previous years.


Daily attendance is important for all children and young people to succeed in education and to ensure they do not fall behind both socially and developmentally. School participation maximises life opportunities for children and young people by providing them with education and support networks. School helps people to develop important skills, knowledge and values that set them up for further learning and participation in their community.


Both schools and parents have an important role to play in supporting students to attend school every day. We believe all students should attend school all day, every day when the school is open for instruction. We are committed to working with the school community to encourage and support full school attendance. Please reach out to the relevant Year Level Leader if you would like some support with your student. Below are some helpful tips and reminders for parents/guardians to support school attendance.

  • Act early if you have any concerns by contacting your us and asking for advice and support
  • Remember that every day counts
  • There is no safe number of days for missing school – each day a student misses puts them behind, and can affect their educational outcomes and their social connectedness
  • Talk positively about school and the importance of attending every day
  • Open and prompt communication with us about all absences is imperative
  • Avoid making routine medical and dental appointments during the school day or planning family holidays during the term
  • Seek help from us if you are concerned about your child’s attendance and wellbeing. We want to work in partnership with parents to support student attendance and wellbeing.


The College is seeking uniform donations from families to support our ever growing community. If you have uniform you no longer need or students have grown out of, we would be grateful. This sustainable approach to support students and families in need is a wonderful initiative from the engagement team.




We are thrilled to announce the results of 2023 Year 7-9 Chinese Reading Award (initial round on 20th July).

Year 7

High Distinction: Chenuli RASNAKE RALLAGE 

Distinction: Krittika CHETAN


Year 8

First Place: Inuka NISSANKA

Second Place: Ashik SURESH KUMAR

Third Place: Masoma RAFAIE

Year 9

First Place: Jiranya (Bitong) Sornjai

Second Place: Urooj Farooq


On Friday 28th July, Chenuli Rasnake Rallage (Year 7), Inuka Nissanka (Year 8), Urooj Farooq and Jiranya (Bitong) Sornjai (Year 9) were selected to represent Cranbourne East Secondary College at a State-wide Chinese Reading competition. The competition was organised by the Chinese Language Teachers’ Association of Victoria (CLTAV) at the Copland Theatre in the University of Melbourne. They competed with about 120 contestants from 30 different schools all around Victoria, some even as far as Geelong! They delivered an exceptional performance, and their enthusiastic approach to embracing challenges and giving their best deserves applause!


Thank you to everyone involved, from our student helpers to the judges (Ms Sun, Ms Cao and Ms Liu) for making this event a tremendous success. Together, we celebrate the joy of learning Mandarin.



The Victorian Young Leaders to China Program (VYLC) is a yearly opportunity for Victorian students to not only improve their Mandarin, but also immerse themselves in Chinese culture. This year program was held virtually over a two-week period in conjunction with the Beijing Language and Culture University.


Congratulations to the students who participated in this program:

Anne ESamip AElise Q
Masooma RRichard SAlan D
Maximillian SRyan SElisa B
Bitong SNayan S 

The students attended the virtual program with their Chinese teacher every morning for a two-week period. The program involved Chinese language classes, Chinese culture classes and self-study/tutorials, as well as opening and closing ceremonies.


The students did an absolutely, amazing job, and we are extremely proud of them.

Read about some of the students’ experiences in their own words below.


Throughout the program, I have gained a lot of knowledge about the Chinese culture as well as improving my skills in pronunciation and being able to communicate in Mandarin. It was truly an experience I won't forget, as I was able to meet new people from other schools and talk to the students in Shanghai! My favourite highlight of the whole program was when we did Chinese calligraphy painting and drew a panda! I had a great laugh during that session, seeing how all of us struggled trying to draw the panda using the Calligraphy brushes! My teachers Da Wang Laoshi and _______ were really sweet and made sure everyone understood and participated! I will miss them dearly! They put in a lot of effort for all of us and made sure everyone had a fun time during the classes! I am grateful I was able to take part in this program as it was a beautiful experience! I hope to meet them again, but next time in China!

I want to thank both my teachers for all the effort they put in, and everyone who helped the program run smoothly! XIE XIE! 

Masooma R (7L)

I find the Victorians Young Leaders to China program a fun opportunity to learn about Chinese Culture. I find the culture very interesting and fascinating, and I also like the fact it's not all just sitting and staring at the laptop for example the Kung Fu lessons or the Chinese Art/Calligraphy. Personally, Calligraphy is my favourite out of all of them. I also loved the online tour to the Great Wall of China and the Meg XR videogame.

Elise Q (7B)

Ni hao, wǒ jiào Richard. The highlight of this program is seeing everyone grow and learn Mandarin. The second highlight is going on 360 Video and seeing The Great Wall of China. Xièxiè. 

Richard S (7J)

The Victorian Young Leaders to China program was a fun experience to socialise with other students eager to learn Mandarin. I learnt how to pronounce words a bit more fluently and to say specific words that I haven't learned to revise.

Nayan S (9C)

I have really enjoyed the Victorian Young Leaders program and learning all this new knowledge on Chinese culture and language. My favourite part of the program was being able to read and learn with others of the same Chinese language skill, within the 2 weeks I have been able to learn a lot and I have really enjoyed it.

Ryan S (9K)