
Welcome back to Term 3! I have enjoyed watching the students reconnect with each other and having kind and caring interactions. We have another full term of learning and experiences to share with you as the term progresses. 



This week the students have been practising writing their names and forming letters correctly. They have been reading and writing simple CVC words that contain the sounds taught in class. The Preps have also been reading and writing their tricky words. In one activity, the students used colour pencils to highlight a particular tricky word, and then they had to read a simple sentence and draw a picture that matched the sentence. 


The storybook for the week is Spotty Sam. The Preps listened to the story, identified the rhyming words, and sequenced in order the story's main events. They also recalled the spots on Sam's body where the spots had appeared. Sticky dots were placed on the various areas of his body, and the body was also labelled. 




In Maths, we are learning about measurement and using informal units to measure the length of objects. Informal units of measurement include hand spans, fingertip, a palm (four fingers), paw prints, dog bones, counting cubes, counters and icy pole sticks. The books, How Tall, How Short, How Faraway and Measuring Penny launched the students into their investigations into measuring length. One of the investigations was to estimate, measure and record the length of various parts of Penny's head using dog bones and paw prints. 



We celebrated NAIDOC week by listening to the story Welcome to Country and watching short Welcome to Country video clips. Whilst reading the story, there were some great discussions about how the Preps welcome visitors into their homes, and how they show respect to older family members or friends and teachers. The book also allowed us to reflect on the changes that have occurred over time for First Nations people, such as their clothing, traditional languages, means of transport, sources of food and homes.