Faith Matters

at St Francis Xavier School

Dear St Francis Xavier Families,



This week for Wednesday Morning Whole School Prayer we gathered in the Red Centre to celebrate NAIDOC Week and pray for God's blessing on our First Nations brothers and sisters. 

We acknowledged their spiritual affinity to our land and were reminded that the origins of our SFX House Teams were inspired by the local Boon Wurrong words for 

ocean (War-reen), earth (Beek), tree (Kurrong) and sun (Kardinia). When choosing our house names we were were also influenced by the encyclical letter Laudato Si (“Praised Be”) by Pope Francis which is the most comprehensive Vatican document to date on environmentalism, ethics, and Christian faith and calls us to care for creation. 


The Prayer Service was led by our Faith in Action and Fire Carrier Leaders.  The Fire Carriers are a voluntary group of Year 5/6s who have committed to building respect, understanding and knowledge of the story and culture of our First Nations People. They help facilitate our learning and also personally experience opportunities to attend special events and excursions that support and develop their own knowledge.  The Fire Carrier Education also supports and makes connections to our Catholic faith.


This year we have four new student Fire Carriers who will be initiated at next Wednesday's assembly.

Our 2023 Fire Carriers
Our 2023 Fire Carriers


Prep, Year 1 and Year 2 families are invited to join in our '2023 Prayers in Pyjamas' evening on Thursday, 3rd August at 6pm.  This is always a well attended, happy and prayerful event which we all look forward to attending.  It's a lovely opportunity for our junior school families to mingle and participate in some of the creative ways in which we experience prayer at St Francis Xavier School. Dress code is pyjamas for everyone - including Mr Steve and the teachers!



The Mothers Who Pray For Their Children group will be meeting again this term on Thursdays after school in the Chapel at the back of the church.

Mothers, fathers, grandparents, carers are all able to attend. Accompanying children are provided with a snack and can participate in the Children's Choir.

Carolina and her group are very welcoming, so please feel free to go along and join in


God's blessings,


Marion O'Brien

Education in Faith Leader