

Welcome back to Term Three. We

hope everyone had a relaxing break

over the holidays. We had a wonderful time in Term Two. Some of the highlights included our Year Five Camp to Phillip Island and the Winter Interschool Sports.

We are looking forward to another busy and exciting term in Year Five.

Warm regards,

Year Five Teachers

Chris Badman

Rowan Doyle

Beth Tyrrell

Sarah Powell

Sport in Term 3

The sporting component this term focuses on athletics, with both the House and District Carnivals taking place. The children will be practising their athletic skills on a regular

basis in the lead up to the Athletics Carnivals.

Congratulations goes to all our Winter Sports teams for their positive and fair-minded approach to all their matches. It is always fantastic to see Black Rock’s values upheld in events outside of the school.


Speaking and Listening

Students will complete activities that require listening to discussions, contributing their own ideas and responding to others. They will present their own information to peers through individual and group presentations and

performances. Our major presentations will be focused on our Inquiry unit and will be completed as part of a homework assignment - 'The Curiosity Project'.


Reading and Viewing

Through literacy circles, modelled reading and independent activities students will explore their understanding of the language and features of different texts, develop comprehension skills and analyse and make judgments using evidence from what they read.



Writing tasks this term will focus on poetry  and detailed explanations. Students will also continue to work on improving their understanding of grammar, expanding their vocabulary and developing their own writer's voice through author studies.


This term, students will continue to extend their knowledge of number. They will develop their understanding of measurement concepts such as area, perimeter, volume and capacity. Students will improve their knowledge of collecting, representing and interpreting data as well as their understanding of shape attributes and formations.

Unit of Inquiry

This term we will be looking at Geography for our Unit of Inquiry. In this unit, students’ will investigate the people, places and cultures of  select countries in the Asian region, Europe and North America. They will develop an understanding of the similarities and differences that these countries share with Australia.

Students also learn that some climates produce hazards such as bushfires and floods that threaten the safety of places.

Dates for the Diary

Wednesday 17th of July - 

Year 5 Excursion to IMAX and the Melbourne Museum 

Tuesday 23rd of July -

Parent Teacher Student Conferences

Monday 12th - Friday 16th of August - 

Science Week

Wednesday 14th August - 

Science Open Night - Destination Moon: more missions, more science.

Monday 19th - Friday 23rd of August - 

Book Week: Reading Is My Secret Power

Book Week Parade on Monday 19th August

Wednesday 21st of August -

House Athletics Carnival  

Thursday 5th & Friday 6th of September -

School Concert

Wednesday 11th of September -

District Athletics Carnival 

Friday 20th of September -

End of Term - Early Dismissal at 2.30

Student Action Team

Congratulations to the following Year Five students who will be representing our classes in the Student Action Team this year:

5P - Siobhan Olds

5T - Sophia Smithers

5D - Anders Dahlstrom

5B -Max Green 


In Term Three, students will receive an Inquiry assignment, 'The Curiosity Project'. It is expected that students will be completing this throughout the term. Students will also be assigned other weekly tasks including a weekly reading log and Mathletics.