Principal's Message



Dear Students, Parents, Carers and Families,




Well done to all of our Year 3 and 5 students this week who completed the national NAPLAN assessments. 


It is very important to know that these tests do not assess all of what makes you special and unique. The people who score these tests do not know that some of you love to draw, are good at sports or can sing beautifully. They do not know you are a caring friend or that you help your family at home. They do not know that you are kind and thoughtful and that every day you do your best, because these attributes can not be tested.   


The score you get from this test will let you know how you did on the day, but they will not show you how your learning has already improved so much this year. 


Well done!



2021 marks twenty years of Reconciliation Australia and almost three decades of Australia’s formal reconciliation process.


Reconciliation Australia’s theme for 2021, More than a word. Reconciliation takes action, urges the reconciliation movement towards braver and more impactful action. Reconciliation is a journey for all Australians – as individuals, families, communities, organisations and importantly as a nation. At the heart of this journey are relationships between the broader Australian community and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

We all have a role to play when it comes to reconciliation, and in playing our part we collectively build relationships and communities that value Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, histories, cultures, and futures.


What action will you take and we take together?




On Wednesday evening 2nd June from 7.00pm to 8.30pm we will be holding our Parent Information and Readiness evening in our Foundation classrooms for prospective families looking to enrol next year or beyond.


The Information and Readiness Evening is designed to provide families with valuable information around three very important questions we have as parents about our child's readiness for school: 

  • Is my child ready for school?
  • What can I do to help prepare my child so they are ready for school?
  • How does Maramba provide a safe and engaging environment for my child?

Please see the attached flyer for further details.


If you know any families who might be interested please let them know.



Kind regards,

Darren Wallace
