Learning and Teaching

Specialist Day 

Thursday 20th May


Specialist Day is next Thursday.  


Hopefully by now you have given permission on Operoo for the incursion run by Kaboom Kids and organised a coloured t-shirt that represents where your family comes from.  


For Example: Louise has an Australian background so she could wear a blue, or red or white t-shirt or green and gold like the Australian athletes.  Kristy’s family is from Malta so she could wear a red and/or white t-shirt.  


The students will need to wear their sports uniform.


If you have any questions please speak to one of the specialist teachers.


The Specialist team.

Kristy, Louise, Logan. Lulli, Rachel, Silvana


SWAP news

In term 2, I have started working with the Junior classes for SWAP specialist (Student Wellbeing and Performing arts). 


Last week the learning intention was:

Students learn strategies for working out who goes first in a game. 


We had a discussion about what are some fair ways to determine who would go first in a game if we could not decide. The children suggested flipping a coin, rolling a dice, picking a luck number, letting the youngest go first or let your friend go first.

We played the game Rock paper scissors and said that this is a quick, fair game that can be used to decide who goes first in a game.


Students discussed negative emotions they can feel when they lose or are excluded from a game. We discussed how to be a “good winner” by not bragging to our friend if we beat them in a game. We discussed how to be a “good loser” by not getting angry or upset if we lose and remembering that it is just a game and not to take it too seriously. I asked the children to tell me what you could say to your partner if you won or lost in a game. This is what the children had to say…


“Well done” “Congratulations” “G.G” which stands for good game “I’ll play you again some time” “That was fun” “Thank you” “You might win next time” “Good try” “Don’t give up”.


This week in class we are learning about empathy. Our success criteria for the lesson was:

I can explain why it is important to help others.


I can listen to the story of the Little Red hen to help me reflect on why we should help others.


I can identify ways I can help others in my life.


I can identify how I would like others to treat me.


This is what some of the children had to say about the Little Red hen and helping others and why we should help people

  • To be a better person.
  • Because that’s what Jesus wanted us to do.
  • So that other people feel okay.
  • To make people happy.
  • To make God happy.
  • If someone is hurt, we should help them up.

The children have been rehearsing their home group song and finale song for the Junior school Production of Jesse in the Jungle. The children practiced singing the song the will be recorded singing and rehearsed the choreography for their song, whilst trying to move their body like the animal they will be portraying in the performance.



Rachel Lenko

Student Wellbeing Leader
