Kharisma Kids - OSHC 

The Kharisma Kids Times

May 10 – 14, 2021


This week at Kharisma Kids, the children were engaged in learning about Healthy Eating.  Some activities and games were offered for the children to learn about the Food Pyramid.


Through discussions in small groups the appropriate types of foods were cut out from a selection and then glued on to their group’s pyramid.   It was pleasing to see that many of the children could identify the foods and then be able to decide whether it fitted into the following three categories.


Foods I should RARELY eat

Foods I should SOMETIMES eat

Foods I should OFTEN eat


On another day the children further embedded their knowledge with a similar activity placing their cut-outs into the six food groups. 


In other News, Thursday was a cold afternoon, so the children(and some teachers) enjoyed a bowl of hot tomato soup and toast. A delicious way to spend a rainy afternoon after school.


Finally Alyann shared some yummy chocolates with the children to celebrate Eid al-Fitr, also called the "Festival of Breaking the Fast"