The View Vitals

Check here for important updates for you to action

This Week's Actionable Items

Level 4 Camp

Permission and payments have been published to the Sentral Parent Portal.  Deposits of $185 should now have been paid for  camp. Final payment of $180 is due by 4th August.

Level 6 Camp

All payments for level 6 camp should now been paid.  As you are aware we have been able to secure a new booking for the first week of Term 3.  We are so pleased the students will be able to enjoy their camp experience.


Please ensure that each and every time you visit the school even for a short while you QR code at one of our many checkpoints while we are in circuit breaker restrictions.  Moving forward we do ask that all parents, carers log into the Office Kiosk upon arrival at the school when assisting in the classrooms.  All visitors and parent helpers MUST have a valid WWC check.  If you are not sure if you have already provided a copy to the office our friendly office staff are happy to check our records for you.  

Tax Deductions

A friendly reminder to all our families that payments towards the school building fund and library fund are tax deductable.  If you were unable to make a payment earlier in the year it is not too late to make a payment to include in this year's tax return.  I  am sure you will all agree that we put these funds to good use with our updates to the school library and the maintenance of our buildings. To our families who have already contributed to these areas we say - Thank you!