
Foundation goes to Myuna Farm!

On Wednesday the 26th June all of the Foundation students and teachers went on their first excursion to Myuna Farm. It was a great day of learning and discovery.  We learnt all about farm animals, their habitats and the technology  that is used on the farm. We got to milk a goat, see all of the farm animals in their enclosures including the baby animals in the nursery, learn about the process of making wool and go on a train ride through the farm to look at some amazing bats. The children also enjoyed playing on the playground and running through the maze.


An enjoyable experience was had by all.


Thank you to the parent helpers who supported us on the day.

You are all doing an amazing job with Remote and Flexible Learning! We are loving seeing your posts and the confidence you have to learn at home. We are really proud of all of you! Here are some photos to celebrate! We look forward to seeing you soon.

Foundation Team

Miss Bonte, Miss Somerville, Ms Wilson and Miss Bell