Principal News


Dear Sacred Heart Community

Sorry about this deliberate late publication of last week's newsletter. Hopefully however, there is a "method to my madness", as I wanted to publish a newsletter which shows our school with degree of normality and hopefully what we will return to on Friday. As you embark on your first day of home learning, please remember what an excellent part you played in 2020 to allow your children to continue their learning.



Last week, our school under the guidance and passion of Marty, recognised and participated in an event informing our students about the significance of National Reconciliation Week. We heard from both Marty and students, about the incredible culture of our indigenous people and the great contribution both our Aboriginal and Torres Stait Islander people have made to our country. In a symbol of our understanding of the need for reconciliation amongst us 

all, our students planted a sea of hands




Members of our choir along with Kate and myself visited the INSPIRE kindergarten in Preston last week to entertain their beautiful children. INSPIRE is the kinder our students Lawrence in Year Prep and Zara in Year Two went to before coming to our school. It was a lovely environment to visit and is hoped that we will have more children from the centre come to our school in the years to come


Followers of our school Facebook page will know that our Year Six student Joel, acquitted himself with great courage and athletic ability to run second in the division cross country event at Bundoora Park last week. Competing in the Under eleven age group, Joel was against the best cross county runners from more than fifty primary schools in this northern part of Melbourne. Joel now moves on to competing in the division championships in the next couple of weeks.

Photos of happy customers from the past two weeks, enjoying a hot beverage on a Thursday morning



Lauda- to Si

Last Sunday week Sacred Heart Parish community along with Catholic communitiesaround the world, celebrated the 6th anniversary of Pope Francis' call to take greater care of our environment in his papal letter Lauda-to Si. As Christians, we are reminded about our need to take greater care of God's gift of our wonderful but vulnerable natural environment.


Yesterday as I was about to leave for work, my wife as is customary at the moment, was researching the exposure sights, when she noticed that the Northland shopping complex was a tier 2 sight pertaining to a day and time frame I had been in the centre. After looking for the nearest testing sight, I headed down to a senior citizen's building on Murray Road and joined the queue of approximately 60 other people. After a day in isolation, and as expected, a negative result came through last night about 10.00pm. The experience reminded me of the challenging state we are in at the moment but also showed me how hard our testers and health people are working, to try and keep us safe.


Please take care.


Yours Sincerely

Mark Tierney
