Physical Education



LI - To demonstrate understanding of the movement sequences when performing throwing/rolling and catching

Students will be able to identify and describe the movement sequences of the underarm throw and rolling as well as tracking and catching a ball.  They will be able to reflect on their success in completing these movements in order to test alternative outcomes.  


LI - To effectively use fundamental movement skills and movement sequences in minor games

Through the game of tennis, students will further develop fundamental movement skills developed in Term 1.  They will identify and describe which movements are needed to have success in this game.  Students will be able to apply these skills and reflect on their performance in order to test alternative strategies.


Year 1 & 2


LI - To develop hand-eye coordination through practicing the Fundamental Motor Skills of catching and throwing (rolling and stopping).

Students will develop their hand-eye coordination through practice of the fundamental movement skills of throwing and catching.  They will be able to identify the steps of each movement sequence and their effect on the skill. Students will begin to develop consistency and accuracy when they are performing these skills and identify where to make improvements.  


LI - To effectively apply different movement sequences and simple tactics to be successful in minor games. 

This term, students will further develop movement sequences of throwing, catching and striking through the game of tennis.  They will demonstrate their understanding of the rules through movement and apply simple tactics to have success in minor games.  Students will demonstrate reflective and creative decision making through their participation in minor games.  


Year 3 & 4


LI - To transfer throwing and catching skills into major games

Students will have the opportunity to transfer their throwing and catching skills into game situations. Having developed correct throwing and catching technique in Term 1, they will face additional complexities when applying these skills within various contexts such as T Ball and Basketball.


LI - To develop correct forehand strike technique through understanding, practice and application.

Students will be able to identify, describe and apply the key skills required to perform a forehand strike. They will be provided with the opportunity to practise the skill in isolation, followed by a transfer of learning into game situations such as in T Ball.


Year 5 & 6


LI - To effectively transfer throwing and catching skills into major games

Students will refine their application of throwing and catching skills in major games, with an increased focus on accuracy and decision-making. They will transfer these skills into games of T Ball, Softball and Basketball, allowing for exposure to multiple game sense scenarios which challenge their execution of skills.


LI - To apply correct forehand strike technique in major games.

Students will refine their forehand strike before applying their skills within major games. T Ball and Softball will provide numerous opportunities to transfer the forehand strike into game situations, challenging students to perform the skill in multiple contexts and various scenarios.