Learning Intention: To understand the new rhythms ‘ta and ti-ti’.
Throughout Term Two, Prep students will continue to explore beat and rhythm and begin to notate ta (crotchets) and ti-ti (quavers) in stick notation. They will compose and play their own rhythmic patterns using ta and ti-ti. Students will transfer their understanding of high and low sounds to graphic notation, in preparation for sheet music.
Year 1
Learning Intention: To understand pitch using the musical language ‘so, mi and la’.
During Term Two, Year One students will be exploring pitch and gaining a deeper understanding of melodies and melodic contour. Students will learn short pieces and identify the notes using the musical language, ‘so, mi and la’. They will be able to anaylse the melodic contour, or the direction of the melody, and compose short melodies using these notes.
Year 2
Learning Intention: To understand the Tone Ladder and Graphic Notation
This term, Year Two students will be deepening their understanding of the elements of music, specifically beat, rhythm, pitch and melody. They will be exploring intervals using the musical language ‘steps and skips’ and applying it to the Tone Ladder. Students will then transfer their understanding of notation by applying steps and skips to the stave. They will consolidate their knowledge of beat and rhythm by investigating how many sounds on a beat, in preparation for bar lines.
Year 3
Learning Intention: To understand the rhythm ‘tika-tika’ and how it is used in music.
Throughout this term, Year Three students will be exploring the elements of music, specifically beat and rhythm. They will deepen their understanding of semiquavers (tika-tika) and their knowledge of beat. Students will transfer their prior knowledge of graphic notation and continue to apply bar lines to short pieces of music. They will collaborate in small groups to rehearse and perform short pieces.
Year 4
Learning Intention - To understand how to compose a Cup Song.
This term Year 4 students will explore compositional techniques to compose their own Cup Song. Students will form small ensembles and will explore form, tempo and tone colour when composing in order to engage an audience. They will continue to learn and write songs on the stave and begin to transfer their knowledge when playing piano.
Year Five
Learning Intention: To understand triads.
This term, Year Five students will continue to deepen their understanding of the elements of music by connecting their understanding of harmony and melody. They will continue to learn melodies or chords on their chosen instrument and work towards playing in a small ensemble or with a partner.
Year Six
Learning Intention: To understand harmony.
During Term Two, Year Six students will continue to explore harmony and make connections to the musical elements melody and arrangement. Students will transfer the melodies and chords they learnt in Term One and rehearse in groups and perform to their peers. They will focus on arranging their piece to suit their small ensemble.