

LI: To understand how to use warm and cool colours in my artwork. 

Learners will be transferring their knowledge of warm and cool colours in their artworks. They will begin to understand how colours can create emotions and feelings. 


Year 1

LI: To understand how to create a colour wheel using primary and secondary colours.

Students will be learning about how primary colours can be mixed to create secondary colours. This understanding will be transferred in the creation of a colour wheel. 


Year 2

LI: To understand how visual designs are used in packaging.

Learners will be investigating the visual aspects of packaging and design. They will transfer this understanding by designing and creating their own packaging, with a focus on colours, patterns and branding.  


Year 3

LI:To understand how to use surrealist techniques in a collaged artwork.

Learners will be continuing with their Louis Renard inspired surreal artworks. They will learn collaging techniques and strategies when creating impactful surreal artworks. 


Year 4

LI: To understand how to create Pop Art, inspired by Andy Warhol.

Learners will be investigating the movement of Pop Art with a focus on the work of Andy Warhol. Students will transfer their understanding of Warhol’s soup can artworks to the creation of their own soup can label designs. 


Year 5

LI: To understand how to use art tutorials to learn new painting techniques.

Learners will be continuing their canvas paintings informed by various painting tutorials. They will challenge themselves by learning and trialing new painting techniques. 


Year 6

LI: To understand how to create a pere cromer inspired collage artwork.

Learners will be researching the work of Melbourne artist, Pete Cromer. They will use his techniques and artistic style to inspire their own collage artworks.