From the Principal's Desk

School Operations Update

Yesterday, the Acting Premier, James Merlino announced that due to the new COVID cases in the community, some new restrictions would be put in place in Metropolitan Melbourne from 6pm last night.


With the limited information available presently we have made the following adjustments to our operations and will continue to keep them under review:

  • Face Masks - ALL adults  (and children over 12) will be required to wear a face when entering any building.  Teachers and Education Support Staff will not be required to wear a face mask while teaching a lesson, but those who wish to do so, can.  A face mask is not required outdoors. Corpus Christi students (over 12 years old) do not need to wear a mask at school
  • Hygiene - Enhanced hygiene procedures will continue to be encouraged. Sanitiser is available at all building entrances
  • QR Codes - Government QR codes are available at all building entrances. Please scan if you intend to be onsite for 15 minutes or more.

For the time being, all other current COVID-Normal operations will apply. No doubt the next 24 hours will be critical in terms of a decision about any further restrictions.


Exposure Sites

DHHS have released a list of Tier 1 and Tier 2 exposure spots across Melbourne. They can be viewed via:


The Government directive is as follows:


Anyone who has visited these Tier 1 exposure sites during these times must immediately isolate, get a coronavirus (COVID-19) test, and remain isolated for 14 days.  Tier 2 sites require isolation until you have received a negative result.


We are requesting that all families review this list as a priority and respond accordingly.


Unwell students, family members and staff

Thank you all for your understanding and vigilance in keeping your child or family members at home and getting tested if they present with COVID-related symptoms.


Obviously the same procedures apply to staff so it stands to reason that absenteeism will continue to be prevalent.  Currently, ALL schools across Melbourne are experiencing higher than normal staff absenteeism; and this has placed a strain on Casual Relief Teacher (CRT) availability. For example, yesterday alone, our CRT Agency had 150 vacancies that they could not fill.


We are not immune to this type of occurrence so there will be times when teachers, timetables and structures within our Learning Communities will need to be adjusted.

School Closure Day

I trust you are all aware that this Friday, 28th May is a School Closure Day: Staff Professional Development Day. Students do NOT attend school.

Nationally Consistent Collection of Data (NCCD) On School Students with a Disability

Please find attached the NCCD Information Sheet for Parents, Carers and Guardians which schools are asked to share with their communities.

Have a wonderful week

God bless

Anthony Hyde
