P & F News 


Upcoming Events

St. Vinnie’s Winter Appeal – Between May 17th to June 17th

2nd Hand Uniform Stall – Date TBA


St. Vinnie’s Winter Appeal

Following message from Danielle Sportelli – LEAD of Vinnie’s Winter Appeal:

Once again, this year, we as school community will be supporting the Vinnies Winter Appeal to help those less fortunate than ourselves. The main aim of being involved in this appeal is to educate our children on the following topics -

Thinking about those in need and doing what we can to help them.

Giving to others wherever we can. 

Sharing items we don't need or we have excess of. 

Acting as a community in a positive way - with strength in numbers we can make a difference in many lives!


In previous years we have had an overwhelming response to this appeal. We are therefore asking families to assist in any way possible - whether it be donating one toiletry or food item, or multiple items such as any clothing or beanies they no longer need. Whichever way you can assist, it has always been greatly appreciated. We will be working with Marc McGregor and the Social Justice students on this cause. They will be assisting the P&F with prompting the appeal and helping with the logistics of collecting and storing items ready for us to check and sort into groups.  As a quick summary we are seeking the following items - 

  • Winter Clothing for all ages and both genders - including baby clothing 
  • Scarves / gloves / beanies / Socks (socks to be new and unworn) 
  • Blankets
  • Toiletries - for e.g. shampoo / soaps / tissues / baby wipes etc. 
  • Nonperishable food - for e.g. canned food, biscuits, pasta, rice

Please see the attached flyer for more detailed information on the above (hard copies will be sent home too). Note  - For logistics and class educational discussion purposes,  drop off points for clothing, accessories and blankets will need to be separate from toiletries and food donations - see flyer for details.

How will our donations be distributed?

Items will be distributed in the following, various ways via the Vinnies Representatives we are linked with. 

  • to local Melbourne families in need who are seeking assistance with food and winter items.
  • Via the Vinnies soup vans to those in need in the City of Melbourne. This includes assisting those who may be sleeping rough and need warm items.  This service also includes helping refugees and international students who can't access Government funding but do have access to cooking facilities.
  • to local single mothers and their young children who are in great need.
  • to a location in Hosier Lane in Melbourne City called the "Living Room" : where the neediest of the marginalised are looked after during the day and toiletries will be useful here.
  • to those needy who have been housed in motels and hotels during the covid period but need additional support with necessities.

We thank you in advance for your contribution and look forward to seeing the results of this appeal over the coming month. If you have any queries, please text Danielle Sportelli on 0410 674 544. Thank you to the families who have already donated, we have had a good start to this appeal. Just a friendly reminder of some details:

  • We cannot accept second-hand underwear even if it’s in good condition.
  • Please check expiry dates on food items, allowing a minimum of 3 months for donated goods, (keep in mind that they will be stored at school for a few weeks).
  • Men’s items are highly sought after… if you can spare any winter jackets, jumpers, sweaters, jeans or pants, these would be greatly appreciated.

2nd Hand Uniform Stall

Apologies, but the uniform stall that was scheduled for Friday 4th May has been postponed. The P&F will advise you of the next stall date once we have been informed of the latest COVID-19 rules and restrictions. Sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused. Thank you for your understanding.


Lunch Order Day 

The P&F are planning on another lunch order day before the conclusion of term 2. We are currently looking at viable dates and food options. Keep your eyes wide open for future newsletter and skoolbag announcements that will inform you of all the details once they have been decided.


Upcoming Term 3 P&F Events

Trivia Night – Saturday July 24th

Tony’s Pie Drive – Date to be advised

Father’s Day Celebration – Week of 30th August


THANK-YOU for taking the time to stay updated with the P & F NEWS!

Our next P&F meeting is currently being rescheduled for a later date. We will inform you as soon as we know, so that you can attend if you would like. In the meantime, if you have any ideas to assist us with fundraising or event organisation, general queries relating to P&F NEWS, are able to provide goods/services for use in fundraising events or if you would like to join our team, please contact: JOSIE SERVELLO     -   0421 076 580   
