Education in Faith 

Education in Faith encompasses the following areas: Religious Education, Prayer, Liturgy and Sacraments.

Today I pray for you and all of our families. Who would've thought we would be in this position again. Below is a prayer you could possibly reflect on and use as your daily prayer while we are in lockdown. The second reflection is something I thought sums up remote learning.


Be safe.

Mark MacGregor

(Religious Education Leader)


May your love and light shine in and through me today

In a way that no mask can hide.

May my eyes dance with the laughter and joy

Replacing my hidden smile.

May my actions of care and concern

Speak louder than my muffled voice ever could.

And may the generosity of my heart

Radiate out through who I am

And how I respond to the world around me

So that others may not see my mask

But your image shining out

Moving in and through me today.


Br Michael Herry FMS


And now an anonymous reflection on online teaching, based on Dr Seuss style rhyme!


I will teach you in a room.

I will teach you now on Zoom.

I will teach you when your house.

I will teach you with a mouse.

I will teach you here and there.

I will teach you because I care.

So just do your very best.                                        And do not worry about the rest.