VCAL Updates

VCAL Updates

VCAL students have been extremely busy this year. They are all working on a variety of different projects. These projects are:


ShowcaseAll students will be involved in organising and running a VCAL showcase on October the 11th, which will display all of the hard work students have been involved in. Students will need to ‘apply’ for two of the four jobs advertised on Edmodo using a resume and cover letter created in their Work Related Skills class. Students will then have a ‘mock interview’ and will be awarded a job to work towards on the day of the event.


Seniors – Senior VCAL is running a fundraiser for the Smith Family appeal. The Smith Family is an organisation for the less fortunate. This includes kids and families that don’t have the opportunity to buy toys for their kids. VCAL are asking for donations of either toys or even a small donation of money. They will be organising and hosting a BBQ on Monday the 15th to raise money for it.


VCAL 1 – Students are working on a group assignment which aims to educate young people on the importance of safe driving. They will be creating advertisements aimed at young people. These ads will be presented at the showcase.


VCAL 2 and 3 – Students have been involved in a project with CHASE which aims to bring awareness to health issues of their choice. The projects aim to be ongoing and sustainable and focus on areas of health that aren’t ordinarily discussed. These projects will be presented at the showcase.


Parents and friends of VCAL students are invited to attend the Showcase which will run until 4pm on the 11th of October.



VCAL Learning Coordinator